
Chinese medicine can effectively treat polycystic kidney disease

Since polycystic kidney disease is gene-related present no complete cure for it, but effective treatments can help control its complications and delay its progression.

Chinese medicine is an effective treatment for PKD. Can achieve the following curative effects.

Chinese medicines actually call control and treat symptoms and complications of PKD to relieve pain and suffering, improve quality of life, slow down its progression in end-stage renal disease and prolong life expectancy of patients.

PKD patients usually suffer from back pain, flank pain, abdominal pain, cyst bleeding, blood in urine, hypertension, infection of cysts and frequent urinary infections etc. For each symptom or complication, no corresponding Chinese medicines that can help relieve discomfort and suffering.

Chinese medicines can shrink the size of the cysts to alleviate renal damage due to these enlarged renal cysts continuously. Moreover, once the disease is brought under control, further deterioration of renal function is impaired.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is originated from traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) .It externally applied and combined with advanced technology osmosis greatly improve the efficiency of Chinese medicines.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has effects all shrinkage effect in all cysts in the kidneys, weather is larger than 10 cm or smaller than 1 cm. Cyst wall will gradually softened and its permeability will be increased so that it can promote the re-absorption of cyst fluid back to surrounding blood vessels.

What more, epithelial cyst wall cells will be inhibited so that an increased secretion of cystic fluid will be reduced or blocked.

Bioactive Components in Micro-Chinese Medicine have vasodilation functions in order to promote blood circulation and increase blood flow to kidneys. After application of Micro-Chinese Medicine, states of renal ischemia and hypoxia are much better and kidney tissues get adequate blood, oxygen and nourishment necessary.

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