
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy of stage 4 kidney functions With25% kidney disease

Q:My son had CKD stage 4 kidney function is only to him only 25%. This BCS he is Joubert syndrome patient.incase renal function has to get worse and if he needed a kidney transplant and he can bear the age of 6. JB also because once again you will get kidney damage. Thank u.
A:For his condition, and do dialysis and transplantation are not suitable for him. Was very small, and the ability tolerance is not strong adults.
Therefore, we suggest him to receive conservative treatment which is safer and easier for acceptance by a little child.
The treatment is essentially the use of Chinese herbal medicine and biotherapy.
Of sick children, and doing Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy useful.
1. Chinese Foreign herbs bag, can be the active ingredients penetrate the kidneys by aculpoints especially in the waist area, to improve blood flow, reduce inflammation, and this is an effective way to protect and restore these renal cell.
2. Bath treatment, it can promote blood circulation in the whole body, and this is very useful to reduce the toxins in his body and his blood pressure settings. And can remove toxins from the body through sweat.
3. Food will be given a bath, massage and some other forms of supportive treatment when necessary.
Because it has a little JB, and we will try our best to allow him to alleviate suffering and to choose a more convenient way for him.
Usually, patients can feel the impact within 10days-7 in the aspects below:
1. Circulation has become better, and his feet and hands become warmer. And blood pressure is getting stable.
2. Digestive system, can improve appetite, bowel speed evade the game.
3. impoves nervous system, headache, back pain, sleep becomes better, tired and faint can disappear as well.
4. Urinary tract system, and can become less proteinuria, cotton-like material can be observed in the urine, which upset of toxins and waste.
Through this method, will be fixed and renal function and his creatinine level will drop naturally.

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