
How to relieve pain due to kidney infection

A kidney infection can cause very unpleasant disease with severe pain. How to relieve pain and prevent renal function is affected is a major concern for patients.

Causes of pain in kidney infection

Kidneys are filtering blood to produce urine and then the ureters carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder. Finally, urine passes from the bladder out of the body through the urethra.

In most cases, kidney infection occurs as a complication of a bladder infection. Germs that cause cystitis can sometimes travel to infect a kidney if cystitis can not be effectively controlled in time.

Sometimes kidney infection can occur without a bladder infection. This sometimes occurs due to abnormal renal or kidney stone structure or obstruction of the urinary tract.

When kidneys are infected, back pain can occur in a loin. Simultaneously patients may also experience high fever, nausea and vomiting, blood in the urine etc. Chat with our online doctor to get to know if your symptoms are associated with kidney infection.

Relieve pain kidney infection

The general treatments for kidney infection include antibiotics and analgesics. Antibiotics usually clear the infection. However, some antibiotics may not be effective. If so, antibiotics should be changed if the type of germ is identified after test.

Analgesics are often prescribed to treat pain kidney infection. They can relieve pain and reduce high temperature. Stronger pain relievers may be needed if the pain is more severe. Anti-inflammatory drugs can be toxic to kidneys so it is generally not recommended for patients with kidney problems.

The above are some tips that can help relieve kidney infection. However, if it is not a primary cause of the condition, the first treatment is to control the primary cause.

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