
Things PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease) Patients Should Know

Right diet is the guarantee of an energetic and vitality body. For, PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease) patients, it is more important and right diet can avoid the further aggravation of the disease. Then, how to keep a right diet?

Pay attention to have a scientific diet habit is necessary to reduce the incidence of complications. For most PKD patients, there is no need for them to change their lifestyle. However, they should keep a right diet, such as low salt, low lipid diet and avoid consuming foods such as animals’ organ, high-protein food, and beverages.

PKD patients should consume enough water and take more foods which contain high Vitamin and high fiber to keep the stool smooth. Control your high blood pressure actively and avoid urinary tract infection. As for the medicines, patients should avoid those which can be toxins to kidneys.

Control your protein intake. The intake of protein should be 0.6-08g/(d.kg). The protein can be found from eggs, milk and lean meat, etc. Restrict the intake of vegetable protein such as peanuts and bean products. Consume adequate fresh fruits and vegetables.

At last, pay attention to have a good rest. Quit smoking and do not drink heavy tea and beverages. Do not take chocolate. Strictly control your salt intake especially for those who present swelling and high blood pressure. In the early stage, there is no need for you to change your lifestyle. However, when your cysts are large, you should avoid fierce physical activities and trauma to prevent the burst of kidney cysts. What is more, take regular physical checks.

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