
What Examinations should Patients with Kidney Cyst Take

Kidney Cyst is a common cystic disease. In the early stage, it has no obvious symptom. Unfortunately, many patients missed the best treatment opportunity. Therefore, it is very necessary for patients to undergo check-ups to diagnose their disease when they have some abnormal symptoms such as loin pain, increased nocturnal urination and so on. So, what check-ups should people do to diagnose their disease? As follows:

1. Radioisotope scan: Linear scanning can display the mass outline. However, it is difficult to distinguish that the mass is cyst or tumor.

2. Laboratory examination: Usually, urinalysis is normal. Microscopic hematuria is rare and renal function is normal except Multiple Kidney Cysts and Bilateral Kidney Cysts. Even if one kidney is damaged seriously, the other kidney can maintain the total renal function for its compensatory hypertrophy.

3. Ray examination: In the plain abdominal radiograph, the enlarged kidney or a mass that oppresses kidney can be seen. The weight and place of the cysts can cause axial rotation of kidney.

4. CT scanning: CT scanning is precise in distinguishing Kidney Cyst from tumor. The density of cyst fluid is just the same as water. However, the density of fluid in tumor is as high as the normal renal parenchyma. After patients are injected with contrast medium, the renal parenchyma density goes up. However, cysts are not affected by the injection. Moreover, the bound between cyst wall and renal parenchyma is very obvious. However, there is no obvious bound between tumor and renal parenchyma. In a world, CT scanning has many benefits in distinguishing tumor and kidney cyst.

5. Ultrasonic testing: It plays an important role in diagnosing Kidney Cyst. If the test result fit the cyst image, the patients can receive renipuncture inspection.

The above article has described the basic examinations for people to diagnose Kidney Cyst. I hope it will be helpful for you. If you want to know more about the disease and its examinations, please consult us on line or email us.

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