
What Harms Does Polycystic Kidney Disease Bring to Patients

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is a common genetic disease. It can not be cured completely. PKD has a latent characteristic. Most of patients do not have symptoms such as hypertension, hematuria, proteinuria, back pain and so on until their adulthood. In most cases, it is found accidentally by patients when they do physical examination or take test for other disease. If the patients can not prevent the disease development, all PKD will do much harm to them and all PKD will develop into End Stage Renal Failure at last. So, what harm dose PKD bring to patients?

As patients grow older, the number and size of the cysts will enlarge and increase respectively. The enlarged cysts will cause oppression to the renal parenchyma and damaging the normal renal function. At last, the cysts will be full of the whole kidney. As a result, the patients’ kidney will enlarge obviously.

As PKD is a genetic disease, it not only can damage kidney, but also can affect other organs. Many patients can find cysts in other organs such as liver, pancreas. What’s worse, according to some researches, many patients with PKD have cerebral aneurysm that is the main cause of patients with End Stage Renal Failure. Therefore, PKD is not just a kidney disease, but it is a generalized disease.

At present, there is no effective treatment for PKD in the western medicine. Many patients just receive operation to remove the big cysts. However, after the big ones are removed, the small ones will become big very soon. At that time, the patients have to have another operation. The frequent operations bring much harm to patients’ body and mind. However, this therapy can not stop the kidney function from declining. Finally, they will have to depend on dialysis and kidney transplant to prolong their life.

Therefore, the patients with PKD should pay more attention to the disease and receive treatment as early as possible.

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