
Level of creatinine 410 and foam urine, how to treat

Level of creatinine 410 and foam urine, how to treat

Doctor online: Hello! Welcome to our website. How can I help you?

Patient: Good evening.

Doctor online: What is the current function of the kidneys or the level of creatinine?

Patient: Creatinine level 410

Doctor-Online: Any Symptoms? Foamy urine, swelling, fatigue, back pain, itching, anemia, etc.

Patient: Foam Urine

Doctor-online: Therapy cleansing toxins for the treatment of chronic kidney disease has a certain impact, in particular, the elimination of hard-to-treat edema and hard-to-treat proteinuria has a unique effect. This not only allows you to eliminate swelling, but also allows hard-to-treat proteinuria negative. The use of therapy, the patient has been revived countless, and attracts a large number of foreign patients to our clinic for treatment. Do you still have high blood pressure and diabetes?

Patient: Blood pressure 150/85

Doctor-online: For your case, I would like to send you more information and possible advice on treatment to help. Do you have email or whatsapp for us to send the details?

Patient: Whatsapp **********

Doctor-online: Full name, age and country?

Patient: Ugurluyev Khagani Ali Ogly (53) Russia St. Petersburg

Doctor-online: Our doctor will contact you within 24 hours. Please pay attention to the choice of phone! My whatsapp +8613292893707, Mail asya.yue@mail.ru.

Patient: Thank you.

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