
Treatment of kidney disease with ketosteril and the system is effective, or else you need some kind of therapy

Treatment of kidney disease with ketosteril and the system is effective, or else you need some kind of therapy

Online Doctor: Hello! Welcome to our website. How can I help you?

Patient: Good afternoon! Treatment of kidney disease with ketosteril and the system is effective, or is it still necessary some kind of therapy?

Online Doctor: What is the current function of the kidneys or creatinine level?

Patient: Both buds shriveled in uzi, level of creatine 260.

Online Doctor: Any Symptoms? Foamy urine, swelling, fatigue, back pain, itching, anemia, etc.

Patient: Swelling is severe to the abdomen and sometimes little urine

Online doctor: Cleansing toxins therapy for the treatment of chronic kidney disease has some impact, in particular, the elimination of hard-to-treat edema has a unique effect. This allows you to eliminate swelling. The use of therapy, the patient has been revived countless, and attracts a large number of foreign patients to our clinic for treatment.

Online Doctor: Do you have high blood pressure and diabetes?

Patient: Anemia 102 slightly raised, was 89, yes pressure, no diabetes

Online Doctor: For your case, I would like to send you more information and a treatment manual to help. Do you have email or whatsapp for us to send the details?

A patient:********

Online doctor: Full name, age and country?

Patient: Kazakhstan, 60years old, Olga

Online Doctor: Well, the doctor will contact you. Whatsapp / Viber +8613292893707, our mail: Asya.yue@mail.ru.

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