
Natural products for reducing creatinine 550 for diabetics

Natural products for reducing creatinine 550 for diabetics

A high level of creatinine 550 indicates that diabetes has attacked the kidneys. We call kidney disease caused by diabetes of diabetic nephropathy. For most patients with kidneys, a high level of creatinine is always a big problem. Are there any natural remedies for reducing high creatinine for diabetics?

Until now, many methods can help reduce the high level of creatinine, some of which can be carried at home and cause fewer side effects. Today we mainly talk about these methods of treatment.

1. Food therapy

Some foods, such as cucumber and bitter gourd, have the ability to increase the rate of kidney filtration to exclude more creatinine from the body, and some other foods, such as red pepper, contain a rich vitamin C that can protect the remaining functioning kidney tissue and improve patients " Function of the kidneys. In addition, diabetics should pay attention to the sugar content of these products.

2. Herbal tea

Some herbal teas can help increase the yield of urine by removing more waste, including creatinine. For example, the root of a dandelion, a leaf of a nettle, a sage, etc., Simply possesses this property. If you are interested in drinking tea, you can drink one cup of herbal tea. Consult with your doctor on the Internet to determine which one is best for you.

3. Hot compress therapy

He uses two warm bags filled with crushed herbal medicines, and then these bags are placed in the lower back. Thus, effective ingredients of Chinese medicines can enter the kidneys directly to increase the glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Consequently, the level of creatinine decreases gradually.

4. Foot Bath

This therapy has been used in China for 2000 years, and it can help regulate the internal environment and the rapid release of creatinine through sweating.

In addition, many other drugs can also help reduce the high level of creatinine 550 and control diabetic kidney disease. If you are interested in these methods of treatment, you can contact us directly. Our mail is Asya.yue@mail.ru, Whatsapp / Viber +8613292893707.

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