
Can Dialysis Patients Get Cysts in Kidneys

Acquired Cystic Kidney Disease (ACKD) refers to the condition in which the kidneys of persons with chronic kidney disease develop fluid-filled renal cysts. This can happen in children and adults. The cysts are more prone to patients who are on dialysis. With the increase of years a person is on dialysis, the risk of getting affected by ACKD also increases.

The reason is that dialysis can filter out many, but not all, of the waste products that normal kidneys excrete. Though it may not directly lead to the appearance of cysts, an unidentified wastes not removed through this renal replacement treatment causes cysts to form in the kidneys.

▪ Approximately 20% of individuals starting dialysis treatment already have ACKD;

▪ Approximately 60%~80% of individuals on dialysis for 4 years will get affected by ACKD;

▪ Approximately 90% of individuals who have been on dialysis for 8 years have ACKD.

Generally, the cysts may be harmless and you need not to find a therapy. In some cases, problems appear, such as an infection in the cyst, which can be associated with back pain and fever. Sometimes, bleeding of the cysts or hematuria (blood in urine) will occur.

About 10%~20% of people with Acquired Cystic Kidney Disease will develop kidney tumors. At times, they can be cancerous. The rate of kidney cancer in persons with ACKD is higher than normal population.

From the above analysis, we can know that long-term dialysis can be very harmful. Then, is there any better therapy for patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD)?

With the advanced development of modern medical technology, a new way to treat ESRD is developed in China by the nation's top nephrologists in our hospital. It is known as Immunotherapy.

At present, immunotherapy is the most effective treatment which can help patients to repair the damaged kidneys in a maximum degree. With significantly recovery of kidney function, you have great chance to get rid of dialysis.

Certainly, the curative effects vary from case to case, and you can contact our online experts for a detailed explanation.

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