
Natural Herbs Treatment for Bubbly Urine in PKD

Bubbly or foamy urine is a physical symptom of proteinuria. Polycystic Kidney Disease may lead to large amounts loss of protein in urine. How does this occur? Is there any natural herbs treatment?

Causes of bubbly urine in PKD

Normally, kidneys function to filter fluid, minerals and waste products from the blood. They usually do not allow large amounts of serum protein to escape into the urine. PKD causes your kidneys to lose their ability to function adequately over time. As the cysts enlarge, they produce pressure and interfere with the ability of your kidneys. When the blood vessels of the kidneys are damaged, protein can be released from your blood into your urine.

If you have proteinuria, there may be no symptom initially. When protein loss gets excessive, your urine might look bubbly, or foamy. In addition, you may detect swelling in the hands, feet, abdomen, or face.

Natural herbs treatment for bubbly urine in PKD

If you have protein in your urine, you have a greater risk of kidney failure. About 50% those with the disease have Renal Failure by age 60. Therefore, early treatment for bubbly urine is necessary which can help to prevent the progression of your disease.

Treating bubbly urine in PKD involves dealing with the symptoms, blocking loss of kidney function, and repairing the damaged kidney structure. Natural herbs therapy, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can help us realize these goals.

▪ Micro-Chinese Medicine is a kind of osmosis therapy. The core medicines come from natural plant medicines. After super-finely shattered, these tiny medicines can be easily permeate into renal lesions with the function of osmosis devise.

▪ After entering into the body, these natural herbs medicines can prevent small cysts from growing and make big cysts shrink gradually, thus avoiding further loss of kidney function.

▪ Through working to dilate the blood vessels, more nutrients in the blood will be transferred into kidney lesions, so kidneys can get more nutrients and the repairing of damaged kidneys is accelerated.

With gradual recovery of renal function, your kidneys can work as usual. The leakage of protein can be stopped. Symptom of bubbly urine will disappear naturally.

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