Healthy urine is generally clear and light yellow in color. Urine color
changes occur due to a variety of causes, including an underlying disease.
While, what is the color of urine in PKD patients?
Usually when people are diagnosed with PKD, they are unaware something was
wrong to begin with. That's because symptoms of the disease often do not appear
right away, and symptoms usually develop between the ages of 30 and 40.
The underlying problem is the development of cysts, or fluid filled sacs, in
the kidneys. These cysts resemble water balloons and may also form in the liver,
spleen, and pancreas. Symptoms tend to begin as the cysts reach a size or number
than impairs kidney function.
What is the color of urine in PKD patients? The urine may appear pink, red or
brown. This is a sign of blood in urine (hematuria). At some point, almost 50%
of those with ADPKD may detect this symptom. Blood may appear in the urine from
a cyst that ruptures, or from local kidney damage. Those who also have kidney
stones may detect blood in their urine.
Other changes in urination of people with PKD:
▪ Frequent or recurrence urinary tract infection.
Approximately 30%~50% of patients with ADPKD will have a urinary tract
infection during their lifetime. This is more likely to occur in women.
▪ Excessive urination at night (nocturia)
▪ Frequent urination all day
▪ Bubbly, or foamy urine
▪ Large urine volumes (polyuria)
▪ Burning sensation during urination
The goal of treatment for PKD include controlling symptoms, shrinking the
enlarged cysts, and prevent further progressing. If you or your beloved ones are
diagnosed with kidney disease, we are here to help.
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