
Symptoms of Polycystic Kidney Disease Cysts Rupture

Polycystic Kidney Disease is an incurable inherited disorder that causes the formation of multiple cysts on the kidneys. In turn, the cysts rupture, causing the enlargement and swelling of the kidneys.

Symptoms of PKD cysts rupture

Hematuria, or blood in urine

In most cases, this is a reported sign of cysts rupture within the kidney. In mild condition, people may not detect the blood by naked eyes. This can only been found by a urine test that is done by the physician.

If the condition is more serious, cysts rupture may lead to bleeding that can be detected during urine excretion.

In severe situations, ruptured cysts may result in obstructed blood flow in some parts of the kidneys, leading to damage.


A person with cysts rupture may experience pain with varied degrees. Usually, the enlarged cysts will press against normal renal tissues, and the oppression can cause them to rupture. Consequently, pain in the back, sides, abdomen may occur.
Besides, another reason for pain is infection. If the fluid in the cysts is infected, once a rupture occurs the infection is no longer contained and may spread to other parts of the body.

Moreover, with a secondary infection, more symptoms including increased urinate frequency, urgency to urinate, pain during urinating, high fever, or shivering would appear.

Once a person detect the above symptoms, he may suffer from PKD cysts rupture, and prompt treatment should be adopted as early as possible to protect the kidney function and repair damaged renal tissue.

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