
Experiences Shared by PKD Patients

PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease) is a horrible disease that numerous cysts are formed in the kidneys. These cysts will reduce kidney functions and finally go to kidney failure. The following are some experiences shared by PKD patients. Hope patients with PKD can be alert to receive treatment in time.

1. I have Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) and yes I have had many cysts burst without provacation. The first sign of this happening was hematuria, blood in the urine, followed by pain and high temperature. My nephrologist said that I had so many cysts that draining them was not an option.

2. I too have PKD and have cysts burst without provocation - yes, "flank pain", I usually wanted a heating pad to help with that, sometimes "cranberry urine" and I always was told to rest when that happened. I did get a CT scan once to try and see if they could figure it out where the pain and blood was coming from but that didn't work. I loved it that he showed it all to me and explained everything though. He was the greatest at caring about me and discussing things.

3. If you had the chance to express your feelings about having Polycystic Kidney Disease, what would you say, and to whom would you say it?

Would you scream at your parent for “giving” you the disease (if you inherited it?)

For me, the answer is yes to all of the above!

We always say you have to follow your doctor's advice, but perhaps d hearing others' experiences can make you much more comfortable. You are not alone and millions of people are with you. If you want to share your experience and know more advice about PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease), please contact our online experts to get more information.

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