
The symptoms of Polycystic Kidney Disorder

Usually symptoms in our body can indicate disorders in organs or other exceptional condition which means we may have diseases. If patients brought the symptoms to the forefront, many diseases can be blocked in the early stage. It is the same to patients with Polycystic Kidney Disorder, so it is essential for them to know the symptoms of Polycystic Kidney Disorder clearly. If you have the symptoms in the following, please attach importance to them.

There may be no symptoms in the early age for the cysts usually start growing during the teenage years. Symptoms and signs usually develop at the age of 30s and 40s.

The most common symptoms of Polycystic Kidney Disorder are pain in the back and the sides (between the ribs and hips); meanwhile patients always are involved in headache which can be temporary or persistent, mild or severe.

In addition, patients with Polycystic Kidney Disorder also can experience the symptoms which are high blood pressure, increase in the size of your abdomen, hematuria, urinary tract or kidney infections, kidney failure.

High blood pressure is a common feature of Polycystic Kidney Disorder, occurring in 60 to 70 percent of people. It is often diagnosed early in the course of the disease, before there are any signs of kidney failure. Enlarging continuously, the cysts oppress the surrounding renal tissues, causing renal ischemia and anoxia. Thereby the kidney will excrete more rennin, which can cause blood pressure to rise.

Urinary tract infection is one of common symptoms in patients with Polycystic Kidney Disorder. About 30 to 50 percent of patients can present once or more urinary tract infection during their lifetime. The primary symptoms of urinary tract are fever and flank pain. But the infection may be of the kidney and cysts.
For part of patients, hematuria may be the first sign of the disease. With hematuria, the urine may be pink or red. Usually due to the rupture of the cysts, hematuria occurs, causing urinary tract infection and a pain in the side of the low back.

Kidney failure is the end stage of Polycystic Kidney Disorder. The kidneys filter out excess toxic and waste substances from the blood. In patients with Polycystic Kidney Disorder, the kidneys become enlarged with multiple cysts that interfere with normal kidney function. This can sometimes lead to kidney failure and the need for dialysis or kidney transplantation.

Symptoms are closely associated with the disease. If people have one or some symptoms, Polycystic Kidney Disorder is doubted to attack them. A completed series of test must be adopted to confirm whether the symptoms are caused by this disease. When patients are diagnosed with Polycystic Kidney Disorder, they should have a positive and effective treatment. Only the disease can be obstructed from the root, symptoms will be eliminated spontaneously.

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