
Can Foods Influence High Serum Creatinine and High Blood Urea Nitrogen(BUN)

Can high serum creatinine and high urea nitrogen be influenced by what you eat? Kidney disease patients are often rather confused whether foods they take have increased their serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen level, in the hope of seeking for foods that can decrease the two levels. Based on this, experts in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital give an answer as follows.

Can foods influence high serum creatinine?

Actually, creatinine has little to do with what we eat but is closely linked to our kidney functions. To understand it better, we'll have to firstly know what creatinine is.

Creatinine is the metabolic products of muscle movement. As the total amount of muscle in individuals is stable, creatinine produced every day seldom changes.
Normally, creatinine is filtrated through kidney filtrating units(called as glomeruli) and is seldom reabsorbed through renal tubules, for which almost all creatinine can be excreted with urine. , Due to kidney strong compensatory functions, creatinine level will not increase until kidney function has declined for 50 percent. Therefore, for patients with kidney diseases, elevated serum creatinine level indicates severe kidney damage. The only way to decrease high serum creatinine level is to repair damaged renal intrinsic cells and recover its filtrating and excreting functions.

Can foods influence high blood urea nitrogen(BUN)?

Blood urea nitrogen measures the amount of a waste product called urea in the blood. Urea is formed by the liver in the process of ridding the body of ammonia which is built up as protein is broken down. It is normally filtrated through kidneys and is excreted with the urine. If kidney function is impaired, the urea builds up in the blood. Temporary blood urea nitrogen can be caused by excessive protein intake, but it can recover with an adjustment of diet. However, for patients with kidney disease, persistent high urea nitrogen may indicate that kidneys are damaged to a certain that proteins can not be effectively excreted. In this case, protein intake should be adjusted and balanced properly based on your own condition so as to achieve the goal of both supplying necessary nutrients and not adding to kidney burdens.

What to do for elevated serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen?

For patients with kidney diseases, obviously elevated blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine levels can indicate severe kidney damage. A timely and proper treatment that can recover kidney filtrating and secreting functions by repairing damaged kidney functional units should be taken into consideration.

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