
How to Know Whether You Have Kidney Disease

A lot of people have developed kidney disease, but they do not know it yet. It is normal because the signs and symptoms of kidney disease are very latent. However, patients should learn to recognize the kidney disease and receive effective treatment before it is too late. The following aspects may help you to know kidney disease in an early stage.

1. Be cautious about whether you have abnormal urination such as frequent urination, or when you have the feeling to urinate, but actually nothing will happen when you go to the washroom.

2. Pay attention to the shape, color of your urine: when foamy, darker, or blood in urine occurs, you should go and have a check-up. What is more, frequent urination at night can also be a sign.

3. Notice whether you have unexplained swelling in your eyelids, lower limbs or even hands. Swelling is a common problem caused by damaged kidneys.

4. See if you often experience anemia and fatigue. Because failed kidneys can not secrete enough EPOs and lead to shortage of red blood cells and oxygen. What is worse, anemia can lead to dizziness and difficulty in concentrating.

5. Notice whether you often suffer from nausea and vomiting. The failed kidneys can not discharge the wastes out of body as it should. The build- up of these wastes and toxins in the blood will lead to nausea and vomiting. Because of the bad blood circulation, kidney patients can also experience the symptoms of itchy skin.

6. Notice whether you have a bad breath or your foods seems to be iron-like in your mouth. Kidney disease can make things taste different. You may have an iron-like taste in your mouth or very bad breath.

7. To notice whether you always suffer from back pain or side pain. This is probably caused by the cysts in the kidneys.

Tips: Sincerely hope everyone can have routine check-ups to master their illness condition. If you happen to have symptoms listed in the above, you are suggested to have a full test of urine, blood and kidney function. Timely treatment is necessary.

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