
Adult Polycystic Kidney Disease: Diet, Prevention, Risks, Facts

Adult Polycystic Kidney Disease shows discomforts in one’s 30s~40s, this is why it is named like this. Read on and learn about the diet, exercise, prevention, risks and facts on this disease.


Low-sodium helps decrease the morbidity of hypertension. Table salt is a common origin of sodium. People with PKD are recommended to control the amount of sodium within 2.000mg per day.

Low-protein. On a low-protein diet, you should restrict high-protein foods, such as fish, poultry, eggs, milk, milk products and meat.

Low-fat. To maintain low-fat diet, milk and milk products, as well as processed foods should be avoided.


Some pretentious measure can helps keep your kidneys staying health.

● Control your blood pressure. Monitor your blood pressure in regular.

● Go to the doctor for check-up regularly. Doctor will check up your blood pressure, body fat level, cyst growth and development.

● Avoid smoking or alcohol.

● Keep your weight in a healthy level.

● Prevent Cold and flu


If one parent has autosomal dominant PKD, there is a 50% chance the child will inherit it. If both parents have the gene for autosomal recessive PKD, there is a 25% chance their child will have the disease. If one parent carries the gene, the child will not develop it. Some people with PKD never develop symptoms and others develop cysts and hypertension in childhood.


● Generally, people with PKD will have high blood pressure in 30s, renal insufficiency in 40s and renal failure in 50s.

● Over 600,000 Americans have polycystic kidney disease (PKD).

● If you have PKD1 kidney failure usually happens in your 50s where PKD2 failure usually happens in your 70s and sometimes not at all.

● Approximately 5% of PKD patients are brain aneurysms

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