
Blood Pressure Range for PKD

Polycystic Kidney Disease is a typical genetic kidney disease which develops numerous cysts on kidneys. As renal cysts cause kidney damages, impaired kidneys will stimulate the blood pressure to elevate. Thereby, PKD patients should control their blood pressure range within normal levels.

Polycystic Kidney Disease

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is a disorder in which clusters of cysts develop primarily within your kidneys. Cysts are noncancerous round sacs containing water-like fluid.

Polycystic kidney disease varies greatly in its severity, but the high blood pressure is a common complication for most PKD patients. Blood pressure elevates when renal cysts are large enough to cause kidney damages, leading to renal ischemia and anemia.

Blood pressure range

High blood pressure occurs in approximately 40% of PKD patients by the time they are in their twenties and more patients will find the high blood pressure at his 30s or 40s, with the progression of the cystic kidney disease.

Target blood pressure should be in the range of 110 - 130mmHg systolic and 70-80mmHg diastolic. Individual patients need to work with their physicians to achieve this goal blood pressure.

To achieve the target blood pressure is very important, because high blood pressure will burden your heart. Over time, the impaired heart function will affect the arteries throughout the body. When renal arteries are damaged, they will speed up the progression of the kidney disease.

How to lower high blood pressure caused by PKD?

● Chinese herbs (herbs help prevent high blood pressure related to PKD)are suggested for it not only can lower blood pressure by widening blood vessels and accelerating the blood circulation, but also can shrink renal cysts in number and in size by limiting the cyst liquids.

● ARB and ACE are typical anti-hypertensive medications. You may check up with your doctors if your blood pressure levels are too high. But, these drugs can not take effects on renal cysts.

● Manage a low-salt and low-fat diet plan will also benefit you a lot. Never eat chocolate or any beverage that contains caffeine, because caffeine will stimulate the cyst to enlarge greatly.

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