
Can ARPKD Go in Remission

ARPKD is the short name of Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease. This genetic kidney disorder is a rare which affects approximately 1 in 6.000 to 1 in 40.000 people in the general population.


Autosomal recessive PKD is caused by a mutation in the autosomal recessive PKD gene, called PKHD1. The signs of autosomal recessive PKD frequently begin before birth, so it is often called "infantile PKD." Children born with autosomal recessive PKD often, but not always, develop kidney failure before reaching adulthood. Severity of the disease varies. Babies with the worst cases die hours or days after birth due to respiratory difficulties or respiratory failure.

Dialysis and kidney transplant

There is currently no direct cure for autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD). Thereby, the diet management and health care is suggested to offer a better life quality for patients.

As the children grow up, dialysis and kidney transplant will be suggested to keep the patient alive. Normally, people with ARPKD live a short life than those who are with ADPKD.

However, if you can not get a donated kidney before you need. There are some natural treatment which helps retarding the development of the disease and improving your life quality before renal transplant.

Chinese Herbal Medicine

Chinese herbal medicine is a natural remedy which uses natural herbs, minerals and a few animal parts to regulate the balance of your condition. The herbal formula for ARPKD contains about 16~20 herbs. The herbal ingredients helps limit the generation of cyst fluids, thus to shrink renal cysts naturally.

As long as renal cysts are smaller in size and in number, the symptoms and complications of this disease will alleviate or disappear spontaneously.


Immunotherapy are the update biotherapy which is used to generate new health cells to replace the dead cells caused by ARPKD. When Immunotherapy are implanted in the body, it will locate on the kidney lesions. Immunotherapy can differentiate into the new cells that kidney needs. In this way, it can improve kidney function greatly so as to retard the deadline for kidney transplant.

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