When red blood cells are found in urine, we can say one presents hematuria.
Hematuria is often the first sign that remind patients with PKD (Polycystic
Kidney Disease) go and have a check.
Generally, hematuria can be divided into two types for Polycystic Kidney
Disease, which are: gross hematuria and microscopic hematuria. As their names
imply, gross hematuria can be seen by naked eyes, and the microscopic hematuria
can only be found under micro-scope.
As for Polycystic Kidney Disease patients, the causes of hematuria can mainly
be summarized into two aspects, which are the burst of the cysts and the poor
circulation of blood vessels.
1. The burst of kidney cysts for PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease) patients
The continuous growth of kidney cysts will oppress the kidney tissues. Not
only the kidney tissues will be damaged, the kidney cysts also have the risk of
bursting. When the cysts rupture, the blood vessels will break and bleed. This
is the main cause of hematuria in patients with PKD (Polycystic Kidney
2. The poor blood circulation
When the blood vessels endure too much pressure, the micro blood vessels in
the kidneys will lead to the ischemia and shortness of blood supply. The
ischemia of kidneys will lead to the break of glomerular membrane. The red blood
cells will go out of the membrane and go out of body with urine.
As for the treatment of hematuria secondary to PKD (Polycystic Kidney
Disease), the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease
Hospital is recommended. It can effectively shrink the cysts and repair the
damaged kidney unites. That is to say, it copes with Polycystic Kidney Disease
from the root.
When the root cause is clear up, hematuria will disappear
Hematuria is not horrible. If we can beat PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease), we
can change the rest of our life. Kindly hope patients with PKD can receive
treatment promptly. As for the treatment, every minute counts.
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