
What Symptoms will I Experience if My Serum Creatinine Level is High

Many Kidney Disease patients found themselves having high level of serum creatinine when they are taking physical examinations. It is a concern for them what is serum creatinine and what symptoms will patients experience if their serum creatinine level is high.

What is serum creatinine?

Serum creatinine is the normal metabolic product, which will be discharged out of our body through kidney filtration units. It is a useful method to evaluate the renal function. It can be divided into exogenous creatinine and endogenous creatinine. The normal values of serum creatinine are:

0.8-1.4mg/dL (70-123umol/L) for male adults

0.6-1.1mg/dL (53-97umol/L) for female adults

0.2-1.0mg/dL (18-88umol/L) for children

(the values are just for reference, different countries have different reference ranges)

High level of serum creatinine is a sign that the kidney function has been greatly damaged.

What symptoms will patients experience if serum creatinine level is high?

High serum creatinine can cause the following symptoms mainly:

1. Metabolism disorder of water

It is characterized by excessive urine, more urination at night, thirst, dry mucous membranes, fatigue; or swelling, high blood pressure, pulmonary edema, heart failure and so on.

2. Metabolism disorder of potassium

Patients might suffer from hypokalemia or hyperkalemia.

3. Metabolism disorder of sodium

Patients might suffer from hypernatremia or hyponatremia.

4. Metabolic acidosis

Patients might have long and deep breath, loss of appetite, pain in abdomen, vomit, weakness, headache, restlessness or even coma.

5. Metabolism disorder of aluminum, magnesium, copper, zinc and selenium.

6. Renal osteodystropy

7. Pathological changes in respiratory system.

8. Pathological changes in blood circulation system such as renal anemia.

9. Infection.

10. Pathological changes in neuromuscular control system.

11. Endocrinopathy such as thyroid dysfunction, sexual dysfunction and growth retardation.

12. Metabolism disorder like sugar, lipid, protein, amino acid and retention of metabolic wastes in the body.

The above are the main symptoms that high serum creatinine level could come with. We recommend you to receive treatment as early as possible to prevent the further aggravation of kidney function. The western oral medicines can bring down the serum creatinine level temporarily, not treat the disease from its roots. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can bring down high serum creatinine level effectively. If you are suffering from high level of serum creatinine, feel free to contact our online experts.

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