
How to Control Creatinine Level in Blood When It Is 300mmol/L

Creatinine in blood is an important index of kidney conditions. If your creatinine level in blood is high, it means there may be kidney disease or kidney damages. When creatinine level in blood has been increased to 300mmol/L, it shows that the kidney has been damaged. We need to control it as soon as possible to avoid further damages to kidney function. What is the best way to control it? If we want to control it, we need to know why it increases first. Read on to learn more.

Why creatinine level in blood increases?

Creatinine is waste that should be removed from human body. When kidneys work normally, the creatinine level in blood will keep in a certain range. However, if kidney disease or kidney damage presents on the person, there will be a high creatinine level in blood. The normal range of serum creatinine can be 0.6-1.5 mg/dl or 60-120umol/L (The range may change due to different standard or different machines in different countries.). Therefore, to check if the creatinine is high in blood has a great meaning in diagnosing kidney disease.
How to control creatinine level in blood when it is 300mmol/L ?

When your creatinine is about 300mmol/L , it means the kidney disease is developing. If we want to control it effectively, we need to block renal fibrosis, repair renal intrinsic cells and rebuild renal normal structure, but not just try to lower the level of creatinine. Then it will become higher again easily. Only when the pathological damage is repaired can creatinine level in blood be lowered.

At present, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Immunotherapy are the latest treatments for kidney disease.

In Shi jiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, we use Chinese medicine to treat high level of creatinine in blood. After micronized, the Chinese medicine is super finely shattered and then it will be osmosed into kidney lesions from skin with the help of osmosis devices. From this way, the medicine will work effectively without side effects to human body.

Immunotherapy have self-renewing ability which means the Immunotherapy can regenerate mass of daughter cells that may have exactly the same characteristics as these original Immunotherapy. In addition, Immunotherapy also have the potential of differentiating into functional cells of various tissues. Then damaged renal function cells can be partly repaired. At the same time, Immunotherapy manages to improve kidney function. Combination of the two treatment methods has better effects of controlling creatinine level in blood.

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