
Differences between Polycystic Kidney Disease and Renal Cysts

Many people may take Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) and Renal Cysts (frequently recurring renal cysts) as the same kind of disease. However, they are quite different with each other in various ways and it’s not hard to distinguish them from one another. We can differentiate the two kinds of diseases from the following aspects:

1. Pathogenesis and Causes

Polycystic Kidney Disease belongs to autosomal inherited disease, while Renal Cysts can be congenital or caused by trauma, inflammation, or tumour and so on.

2. Family History

Patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease may have similar relatives in their families, while the same cases can seldom be found in Renal Cyst sufferers.

3. Contents in the Cysts

The cysts of Polycystic Kidney Disease contain urine inside, but the content inside frequently occurring renal cysts is body liquid, which is similar to plasma and contains things such as erythrocytes.

4. Complications and Damages

Symptoms such as hematuria, hypertension, swelling, renal insufficiency and Uremia may be found in Polycystic Kidney Disease, but hypertension and renal insufficiency are not commonly seen in Renal Cysts.

5. Preventions

As for Polycystic Kidney Diesaese, Cysts can be prevented from developing and symptoms can be diminished; renal cysts can not only be controlled but also be contracted, and smaller ones can be diminished.

Renal Cyst is a rather common kidney abnormality and may mostly occur in those more than 50 years old. At its early stage, there exist no damages or symptoms, for which it is not necessary to receive treatment. However, when there are the symptoms of urinary infections such as waist distending pain, frequency of micturition, urgency of urination, odynuria, and hematuria are found, the cyst may have already been augmented with the diameter of more than 5 cm.

Traditional therapeutic methods include needle penetration and open surgery. The former works by penetrating into the cyst through skin with long puncture needle so as to extract cyst liquid, which avoids pain during operation but easily reoccurs after puncture, while the latter brings greater damage and leaves operation scars in the waist with low recurrence rate.

At present, however, we mainly adopt Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Immunotherapy to shrink the cysts and repair the damaged kidney cells, by which we can cope with the cysts without surgeries or operations.

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