
Diet for Polycystic Kidney Disease and High Creatinine Level

Creatinine is the waste products of muscular activity which will be filtered out by kidneys in normal condition. As Polycystic Kidney Disease causes kidney functions declines, creatinine levels usually elevate in people with this genetic kidney disease. Nephrologists recommend dietary changes to compensate for the kidney inability.


When renal cysts decline your kidneys’ working ability, it is hard for kidney to cleanse out the excessive water from your body. Thereby, you’d better check up with your doctor to decide the fluid quantity that you need everyday, so as to avoid swellings and heart burden.


High potassium is serious which may cause sudden heart failure. In patients with PKD, the potassium levels are high. You may find rich potassium in foods, such as leafy green vegetables, bananas, potatoes, oranges, apricots and broccoli etc. And the low-potassium foods are suggested, including carrots, apples, cranberries, grapes, lettuce and rice etc.


High blood pressure is a common complication of high creatinine level and Polycystic Kidney Disease. Salty food is believed to aggravate your blood pressure and kidney damages. Thereby, a low-salt diet is import. You should avoid junk food, processed food, fast food for they usually contain more salt to make them tasty.


High protein foods are also not a good choice for protein will generate into waste products, such as urea, after they are broken down. These waste products will make your damaged Polycystic Kidneys overworked, increasing your creatinine level. The proper protein foods include lean beef, chicken, poultry, fish etc. However, you should have talk with your doctors about the protein quantity that you can need.


As phosphorus is also a common trouble for PKD patients, you are suggested with a low-phosphorus diet. The following high phosphorus foods should be avoided: milk products, lentils, dried beans, chocolate and beer.

Diet contributes to alleviating your PKD and high creatinine level. However, diet only can make a thorough improvement. “Diet management (30%) + treatment (70%)” can help you achieve the maximized recovery.

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