
Polycystic Kidney Disease: No Familial History, Low SG, 3.2cm Cyst

Q: My 25 year old daughter was diagnosed with PKD in September of 2011. She is already feeling considerable discomfort. Her body frame is very slight so we assume that is why. Her test results are within the normal range so her nephrologist won't see her. What do you recommend for the discomfort?

Kidney contains many nephrons and each nephron includes tubular and glomerular. For PKD, focal lesion mainly appears at tubular. Our tubular has areabsorption ability, when it has problem, this function can get affected. We can find that your daughter's SG is quite low now, so her tubular has been damaged.

As you said, the biggest cyst reaches up to 3.5cm, enlarged cysts can stretch nerves around kidneys so patients can feel back pain. And if big cysts get pressed, they can rupture. In this case, it can cause hematuria and even peritonitis, both of them are life-threatening.

Fortunately, her hemoglobin does not show severe decline and her toxins does not increase obviously, that means her residual renal function is still good. What she should do is to protect this part of residual renal function and halt the enlargement of cysts.

For the treatment of cysts, there are mainly two methods in worldwide. One is surgery, the doctor insert a needle to kidneys and draw out the cystic liquid, so big cysts can shrink. However, this treatment have no efficacy to small cysts and can cause further injury to normal renal tissue, so small cysts can enlarge again when pressure from big cysts disappear and renal function can decline further.

For natural treatment, it can restrain the production of cystic liquid and the hyperplasia of lining cells, increase the permeability of cystic wall. No matter big cysts or small cysts, all of them can stop enlargement after a period of treatment. Compared with the former one, the latter one will not cause pain and side-effects, therefore, patients prefer natural treatment to surgery. We have rich experience to treat PKD with natural treatment. If you need more information, you can contact free online service.

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