
Is Lentils Good for High Creatinine Level

Usually high creatinine levels mean the kidney damages. However, if your creatinine levels elevates out of a sudden, it may relate to your food intake, long-time standing or other matters. Is lentil good for high creatinine level?

High creatinine level

Creatinine is a waste product in the blood that results from energy metabolism of muscle. Although the body manufactures creatinine at certain levels depending on how active a person is, having high amounts of creatinine in your blood may point to a problem. Usually, chronic high creatinine levels indicate kidney damages.

Kidney disease

Creatinine, urea and urate all increase as the ability of the kidneys to filter fluid within the body declines. The blood creatinine level shows how well your kidneys are working. A high creatinine level may mean your kidneys are not working properly.

When your creatinine level elevates, it usually indicates that at least 50% of kidney functions are damaged. In that condition, your doctor will ask you to do further tests, such as GFR, to estimate your kidney functions level.

To improve kidney functions is the underlying way to lower high creatinine levels.

Is lentils good for high creatinine level?

For people with kidney disease, the food intake should be managed well to prevent the progression. Lentils also provide good to excellent amounts of six important minerals, two B-vitamins, and protein—all with virtually no fat.

Meantime, lentils help lower cholesterol and blood-sugar level. You will probably be allowed to take a certain amounts of lentils.

Is there other food good to high creatinine level?

● Lean beef and chicken. They are quality protein foods which produce less waste products.

● Cucumbers, carrots, lettuce, apples, cranberries, grapes and rice. You are encouraged to choose these lower potassium foods to lower your high creatinine levels.

If you want to know whether your favorite foods are good for high creatinine level or not, you can leave a message below. We will provide some suggestions via email.

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