
What Kind of Foods Should a Person Avoid with Polycystic Kidney Disease

Polycystic Kidney Disease is a typical genetic disorder which runs in families. This diseases lead to a poor prognosis. If you avoid the food in the forbidden diet list for PKD, it contributes to a favorable prognosis.

Salty foods

Avoid salty foods as much as possible to eat healthy with polycystic kidney disease. Excessive salt intake increases your blood pressure, which can compromise your kidney function. Do not eat more than 2,300 mg of salt per day to reduce stress on your kidneys.

High protein food

Urea is a kind of wastes which should be filtered out when kidneys work normally. Protein in food can break down into urea. It will burden your kidneys especially, when kidney function are decreased. High protein food can be found in tofu, bean and other bean products.

Caffeine food

Caffeine is a risk factor for enlarged cysts, which can trigger cyst fluids to secrete, thus to enlarge all renal cysts, causing more damages to kidneys. Cyclic AMP can increase the renal cysts in both numbers and size for PKD patients.

Curry food

The following two kinds of curry food should not be in the diet list for PKD patients.

● Hot and spicy curry food. This stimulus food also can affect your renal cysts in polycystic kidneys and accelerate its enlargement.

● Curry food with many flavorings. Usually curry foods is made with various flavorings, which may contain high salt, high fat and other more stimulus substances.

High creatinine food

Many animal meats contain rich creatinine, especially the meat from wild game. The meats, such as beef, pork, salmon, tuna and cod should be no the limited or avoided diet list. In addition, some drinks also can generate rich creatinine, such as milk and cranberry juice.

Compared with the worst food for PKD, there are the best foods for you to choose. If you need more information, you can leave a message below.

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