
Is Yoga beneficial for Polycystic Kidney Disease

Yoga was established for hundreds of years which helped people lower chronic stress, build perfect figure and stay healthier. Different with other people, PKD patients live with numerous cysts on their kidneys. Is yoga beneficial for Polycystic Kidney Disease?

Yoga and Polycystic Kidney Disease

Yoga brings together physical and mental disciplines to achieve peacefulness of body and mind, helping you relax and manage stress and anxiety. If yoga is palyed properly, it also benefits Polycystic Kidney Disease. However, the condition is that you should have a professional director for reference. Some stretching exercises, such as bending down, turning waist, may force a hit to your abdomen, leading to cyst rupture.

With the right support of your health providers, some mild yoga exercise may benefit you as follows:

● release your stress

Polycystic Kidney Disease people suffer from the mental and physical stress. Yoga can help reduce the effects of stress on your body. One of the benefits of yoga is that it encourages relaxation and can lower the amount of cortisol in your body.

● Prevent heart failure

As PKD develops, many organs will get involved. One of them is heart. The enlarged renal cysts and elevated blood pressure (herbal remedy to lower high blood pressure caused by PKD) will make your heart overwork. Yoga teaches you to take deeper, slower breaths, which increases your lung and heart functions.

● Pain relief

Yoga helps practice the muscle throughout the body which eases pains greatly. Many Polycystic Kidney Disease people with very serious diseases have reported less pain (how to alleviate the symptoms of PKD: back pain, blood in urine, cyst rupture)after these daily exercises.

What should I know before yoga?

You should tell your instructor about your renal cysts condition and it is important to establish a communication with your instructor and your doctor.
Never try learn yoga on your own and it is good to work with an experienced and credentialed coach, if you are diagnosed with PKD.

Know your limits and stay far away from them. Never try some stretchings that may hurt your abdomen or back, such as turning waist, bending down etc.

Yoga is not a substitute for medical care. Yoga offers many health benefits and may even be included as part of some treatment plans. But it's still important to work closely with your regular health care providers and get proper treatment for your Polycystic Kidney Disease.

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