
What Can/Can't Someone With PKD Drink

Drinks are various and colorful which provide many choices for people. However, not every drink is alternatives for PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease). What can PKD drink? What can not someone with PKD drink?

What can someone with PKD drink?

Milk. Milk contains much nutrition, such as calcium, iron, zinc, manganese and molybdenum etc. Compared with other drinks, milk not only are more nutritious but also are easy to digestive for patients with PKD.

Water. Patients with PKD are suggested to drink enough water. If you are not suffering from swelling, enough water intake is believed to slow the progression of PKD. Besides, water is helpful for the kidney stone which is a complication of PKD.

Lemon juice. Lemon juice is a good pain reliever and an alkalizing beverage, which is believed to kill the flank pain or back pain for some PKD patients.

Blueberry juice. It is proved that blueberry is beneficial for brain health and anti-aging. It is also helpful to avoiding the elevation of cholesterol which is usually associated with PKD.

In fact, most of vegetables and fruit are good to slow down the progression of PKD. However, you’d better have a talk with your dietitian before you list any drink in your diet.

What can not someone with PKD drink?

Coffee. Coffee contains much caffeine which will stimulate cyst growth of PKD and PLD. Any drinks contain caffeine should be avoided by PKD patients. Don’t drink any milk or water combined with chocolate and coffee,
Alcohol. It is proved that drinks containing alcohol develops high blood pressure. This will make kidney functions (How to improve PKD patient's renal function) of PKD patients falling down rapidly. Meantime, alcohol can interfere with some medications for your polycystic kidneys.

Tomato juice. Tomato is rich in potassium which can accelerate the decline of kidney functions. Meantime, potassium can worsen the PKD patients’ complications, such as high blood pressure and high creatinine level. Oxalates also can be found in tomato which can cause a problem for polycystic kidneys. Other nightshade vegetable juice should aloes be avoided for they have the similar influence for PKD condition.

Celery juice. Celery can help enlarging kidney cysts by stimulating the secretion of cyst fluids. Patients with polycystic kidneys should avoid such a drink.

PKD can not be cured by far, however, good diet and right treatment can provide patient a full and long life. Good drinks play an important in prolonging PKD patient’s life. If you are interested or need any help, you can mail to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com for more information. We glad to help you.

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