
Herbal Remedy to Help GFR 9 with PKD

A person who have GFR 9 with PKD generally has entered into the end-stage renal disease (ESRD). In this stage, it is hard to be reversed, and what we can do is to relieve the symptoms and improve the kidney function. Then, further progressing can be prevented. In China, a herbal remedy known as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is used to improve GFR.

Before we talk about the treatment, we need to make the reason for an decreased kidney function clear so that we can take corresponding measures to eliminate the underlying cause.

Generally, the onset of PKD is often happen by second strike if there is immune disorder. Over proliferation of epithelial cells in renal tubules will make the cysts larger and larger. The enlarged cysts will press the around renal tissues, leading to kidney function damage.

Therefore, the correct treatment for the disease is as follows:

1. Use western medicines to control the symptoms, such as pain on the side of back, urine protein, elevated blood pressure and so on.

2. Adopt Chinese medicine to restrain the growth of cyst and shrink them in size. The herbal remedy called Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is applied.

▪ It can inactivate the epithelial cells of the cyst walls and make them lose the function of secreting. Once the cysts are no longer secrete liquids, they will not enlarge.

▪ For the existing cysts, our therapy can increase the permeability of the cyst wall and the microcirculation. The cyst liquid will be reabsorbed and then excreted out of the body. The size of the cysts are reduced, and their pressure on surrounding kidney tissues will be lower, so kidney function will be improved.

▪ With improved microcirculation, the blood flow in the kidneys will increase, so the glomerular filtrating ability will be improved. The GFR will increase gradually.

The date from our hospital shows that we have treated more than 1,000 cases of PKD and over 85% of the patients have significant improvement. One example is that the both kidneys of a patient from France have shrunken by 2 cm after 20 days' treatment. Another patient from Korean, her GFR improved to 22.46 when she was discharged. Before she came, it was 9.

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