
What Exams are Scheduled on A Patienet with PKD

What Exams are Scheduled on A Patienet with PKD? Apart from the routine tests, patients also need to have some characteristic immune tests, such as Molecular Diagnosis, Uremic Test, Hematuria Position Diagnosis, Renal Damage Test.

Immune Tests for people with PKD

▪ Molecular Diagnosis

The disease is a hereditary disorder. Molecular Diagnosis is the method to confirm the disease. The purpose of the exam is to definite the genic mutation of PKD1 and PKD2. In this way, we can make an accurate diagnosis, avoiding misdiagnosis or missed diagnosis.

▪ Uremic Test

The purpose of this test:

a. Make the accumulation of toxins in the body clear;

b. Guide the corresponding method of clearance in clinic. The items include BUN, creatinine, Uric Acid, β2-microglobulin, Cystatin C, RBP, HCY (Homocysteine), and PTH (Parathyroid Hormone).

▪ Hematuria Position Diagnosis

The purpose of this test:

a. Judge the sources of red blood cells, from glomerular or urinary tract;

b. Definite the severity of hematuria;

c. Support the clinical treatment and medications use.

It includes detect the flow cytometric urinary casts, the test of urinary red cells morphology and Alb/ Total Protein.

▪ Renal Damage Test

Items include: Total Protein, MALB, IgG, α1- microglobulin, GGT, NAG, Uosm, etc.
a. Detect that whether the kidney is damaged;

b. The damage is of glomerular or renal tubule;

c. Severity of renal damage; guide the selection of medicines in clinic;

d. Judge patient's sensitivity to drugs so as to guide the use of medicines.

We all know that only with an accurate diagnosis, can we get the best treatment effects. Is there still anything unclear? Contact us online please.

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