
How to Control Creatinine Level in Blood Naturally

Creatinine in blood is a kind of waste in the body, which should be filtered out by kidneys, otherwise toxins will build up in your body. Some drugs claim to reduce high blood creatinine level immediately. Lowering creatinine level in a short time can be achieved at present, but it will be at the expense of kidney destruction. Thereby,natural remedy is suggested to control creatinine level.

● Acupuncture. Acupuncture has been used in Ancient China, since the last four thousand years ago. It is a complete and natural system of medicine, which works with the natural energies inherent within all living things. It is used to stimulate acupoint to contribute to discharging toxins, including creatinine, from the body and make the body keep a balance. As a result, creatinine level in blood can be reduced naturally.

● Herbs for lowering creatinine levels. Chinese herbal medicine which has been practiced by one-fifth population in the world, show a magic effect in lowering creatinine in blood. Chinese herbal therapists find that many herbs and plants, as well as a few animal parts contain some compositions which help lower creatinine level. They provide patient with the decoction of these herbs to control creatinine level without any side effects.

● Herbs for impaired kidneys. As creatinine should be filtered by kidneys in normal condition. Thereby, permanent high creatinine level indicates kidney dysfunction. The key to control creatinine level in blood is to repair the underlying kidney disease.

On the basis of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a new developed natural remedy named “Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy” is established through the ages. By dilating blood vessels, cleaning away toxins and dissolving extracellular matrix, Micro-Chinese medicine can repair the damaged renal cells and renal tissues greatly. As long as renal functions improve, it will restore its ability to filter out creatine in blood. This is the basic natural way to control high creatinine level.

Chinese herbal medicine, including acupuncture, Tai Ji, Kong Fu and massage etc, is famous for its tonic remedy and all-side improvement. It lowers creatinine levels naturally and without and side effects. If you need help, please mail to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com

How to Deal With High Creatinine Levels

High creatinine levels may do many negative influences on the body, and even put the life in danger. Fortunately, there are many ways to lower high creatinine levels.

Firstly, treatment method is always the first to choose. Two different methods are offered to be chosen. One is the current western treatment method whose goal is to suppress the causing factors that may include kidney infection, high blood pressure and diabetes. And the other way is to repair the damaged kidneys. Both two ways can reduce high creatinine levels. However, there are many different points between them. It is known that creatinine levels are indicators of damaged kidneys or abnormal kidneys. The first way aims to lower creatinine levels, ignoring to repair the damaged kidneys. Thus, it is no doubt that high creatinine levels reoccur. The second way aims to repair the damaged kidneys and during this time, it also has active effects on treating the causing disease. To make the second way into practice, Micro-Chinese Medicine and Immunotherapy are used.

Secondly, diet and other daily things can also contribute to reducing high creatinine levels.

Diet containing low protein, sodium, phosphorus, potassium is recommended. Kidneys are take charge of filtering substances and regulating electrolyte balance. So, diet rich with protein, phosphorus, potassium will give kidneys an extra burden. And the kidneys has being damaging, thus, an extra burden will give further hurt on kidneys.

Avoid creatinine supplement. Some people wanting to build their muscles should avoid creatinine supplement when their creatinine levels are high. And kidneys patients should get away from creatinine supplement because creatinine supplement are usually turn into creatinine, resulting much higher creatinine levels.

Keep strenuous sports out. Creatinine is produced when muscle are offering energy. Strenuous sports require quantity of energy, resulting lots of creatinine.

Among these methods, treatment method is the much more important, and the other way can works as a helping role. Any question, email me at kidney-treatment@hotmail.com.

Is There An Efficient Treatment for PKD

At present, no method can remove all the cysts at one time, because PKD(Polycystic Kidney Disease) is a kind of genetic disease. What we can do is to control the growth of the cysts, so the patients can live normally without the threatening of the enlarging cysts.

These cysts can grow with time and gradually cause pressure and damage to the kidney. And finally the kidney functions can’t maintain the normal life and it develops to End-stage of kidney failure.

Thus it can be seen that the key point of treating Polycystic Kidney Disease(PKD) is to shrink the cysts on the basic of protecting the kidney functions, to reduce the pressure of the kidney and avoid the influence on the kidney functions. So an early treatment is also important for the patients to live longer.

Our hospital mainly adopts Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to treat polycystic kidney disease which focuses on restraining the growth of the cysts. The characteristics of this method are as follows:

1. The medicines can inactivate the epithelial cell of the cyst to restrain the secretion of the cyst fluid and stop its growing.

2. Increase the discharge of the cyst fluid, strengthen the permeability of the cyst surface so as to accelerate the discharge of the cyst fluid and make the cyst shrink.

Until now, we have received many foreign patients with PKD, because in their countries, the doctors don’t have any treatment to control the disease condition, only telling the patients to wait until kidney failure stage.

If you are seeking an efficient way to treat PKD or you are tired of doing nothing for your renal cysts, you can send us more information about your condition. We will give more suggestions according to your own condition. Contact mail: kidney-treatment@hotmail.com

Creatinine 14, Renal cysts 1.5*1cm and 4.7*2.7cm,PKD

Q: My creatinine level is 14 and multiple clusters of variable sized simple cyst are identified in both kidneys. The largest cyst in the right kidney measures 1.5*1cm and the largest cyst in the left kidney measures 4.7*2.7cm. I am interested in treatment for renal disorder/polycystic kidney disease. Can you give me your advice?

A: Firstly, the biggest problem to you is the cyst. Usually, if the cyst is less than 3cm or there is no symptom, it is necessary to treat the kidney cyst. However, PKD is different for the quantities is large and the cysts are sure to enlarge, then do harm to kidney function. According to the test reports, your cysts, especially the left cyst has already damaged kidney function. It is urgent for you to remove the cyst, then we can improve the state of ischemia and anoxia, thus protecting the remaining kidney function.

Secondly, your creatinine is high. You know, once the creatinine is higher than the normal range, there should be at least 50% kidney function has been damaged. If the creatinine is higher than 4.5, it is necessary to take dialysis. You may prepare for taking dialysis in near future.

As high creatinine level indicates toxins level in your body, so there are much toxin in your body. High toxin can lead to other problems, such as heart disease. So, dialysis is a necessary way. If you has began dialysis, then you should adjust it for the toxins are still high, that is, your present dialysis is not complete.

You said you are interested in treatments for renal disorder/Polycystic Kidney Disease. I will tell your our characteristic treatments for the patients like you. Considering your renal cysts and high creatinine level, we suggest the combination treatment for you: Micro-Chinese Medicine and Immunotherapy.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has function of expanding blood vessels, which can promote blood circulation, thus relieving high blood pressure and pressure in glomerulus. In addition, Micro-Chinese Medicine can also treat symptoms and infections, thus protecting the healthy kidney cells.

As for the Immunotherapy, Firstly, your condition is not just PKD but Renal Failure. You may know that, the kidneys are mainly made up of glomerulus, if the GFR decreasing, the kidneys will lose function. Then, even there is no cysts, the kidneys are dead. We use Immunotherapy not only to improve the GFR, but also to prevent it from decreasing. Only there is renal function, there is great hope for us to improve the shape and size of kidneys.

We hope you can avoid further suffering and kidney transplant. If you need more help, you can mail to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com. We will try our best to help anyone with polycystic kidneys.


Natural Remedy for Shrinking Your Enlarged Renal Cysts

PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease), also known cystic kidney disease, is incurable disease for nobody can change the faulty genes by far. However, we can control the enlargement of cysts and shrink renal cysts naturally to achieve a full life.

Chinese herbal medicine which is practiced by one fifth population has been proved to have the properties of shrinking kidney mass naturally. Meantime, tonic herbs are used to improve renal functions.

Through ages, the prescriptions for renal cysts are revised and refined. At the same time, Chinese herbal medicine gets a great improvement. One of the newest developments is known as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.

Micro-Chinese Medicine is an innovation of traditional Chinese medicine. It is used in an external application method and patient is treatment two times per day and about 45 minutes for each time.

The core technology of this treatment is to make effective Chinese herbs super-finely shattered and with the help of effective penetrate and osmosis methods, medicine can permeate into kidney lesion directly. This treatment has been used in clinical treatment for many years and more than 85% of patients with renal cysts can get a relative good effect.

Here, one point should be mentioned, we treat this disease by controlling cyst enlargement and shrunk cysts instead of removing the cysts. Polycystic kidney is a kind of genetic disease, so we can not cure it completely and what we can do is to control it in a certain degree and prevent developing into renal failure so that patients can avoiddialysis or kidney transplant.

If you are looking for a natural remedy for renal cysts, you can send your problems and illness condition to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com for more detailed guidelines.

Effective Way to Improve GFR

GFR is an indicator about how well the kidneys are removing toxins and wastes out the blood. It is measured in milliliter per minute. High GFR means the kidneys are working well and there is without accumulation of toxin and waste, on the contrary, low GFR shows the kidneys are working abnormally causing accumulation of toxin and waste. In order to avoid the bad influence caused by accumulation of toxin and waste, it is necessary to improve GFR.

What is the reason of declined GFR? GFR can reflect how much residual kidney function one has which can reflect how much healthy kidney tissues and intrinsic cells one has. So, GFR reflects the damage degree of kidneys. Like the other human’s organs and tissues, kidney tissues and cells also need blood and oxygen, without them, these tissues and cells will be damaged. Therefore, offering more blood and oxygen to release and avoid the situation lacking of blood and oxygen is the right way to improve GFR. This way would not only help to prevent the healthy kidney tissues and cells from damage but also give recovery of some damaged kidney tissues and cells.

How to offer more blood and oxygen? It is known that there are several reasons causing low or reduced blood flow volume. Firstly, narrowed or partly blocked blood vessels. Secondly, blood cot and some deposition of immune complex. Micro-Chinese Medicine is made of natural herbs and also is generated from Traditional Chinese Medicine. It has ability to dilate blood vessels, anti-inflammation, anticoagulation, and prevent blood viscosity. When the blood vessels are unobstructed, and there are enough blood flowing through them, oxygen will be transported for granted. Then, the healthy kidney tissues and cells will escape from damage and the damaged kidney tissues and cells will get a chance to be repair. From this way, it is no doubt that GFR will be improved.

Just as a proverb says-"If God brought you to it, He will bring you through it", so, never give up in the silence war against kidney disease. Any question, email me at kidney-treatment@hotmail.com

Is There Any Treatment For My PKD,Except Blood Pressure Medicine

Q: I have PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease) with multiple bilateral renal cysts measuring up to approximately 4.2 cm on the right and 2.2 cm on the left. My current doctor doesn't want to do anything. She just wants to give me another blood pressure medicine. Is there anyone I can turn to for help?

A: PKD is a genetic disease and usually have a family history. Its incidence rate is 50% and the abnormal gene can be passed from generation to generation. Still some people who do not have family history, but they can also suffer from disease due to genetic mutation.

At present, there are mainly two treatments for Polycystic Kidneys, surgery and conservative treatments. However, as for small sized renal cysts, namely within 5cm or larger, surgery can not do anything for it is too small for this technology. Thereby, many doctors prescript some anti-hypertension medicines to delay patient’s complication. Evenhigh blood pressure gets an alleviation, the medicines fail to take any effects in renal disease.

However, we are not suggest that patients do nothing but wait for renal cysts becoming larger, then take further treatment. One thing should be pointed, larger renal cysts will damaged your kidneys and some damages can lead to serious complications and can’t be reversed.

Thereby, early treatment is very important to protect your kidneys, especially when renal cysts are not large enough to hurt your renal tissues.

Compared with surgery, conservative treatment, also know as Chinese Herbal Medicine, can take effects in shrinking renal cysts, no matter how large or small the kidney cysts are.

The newest Chinese Herbal Medicine is a kind of external application. Patient do not need any surgery and it is no pain and very safe. What patients should do is to lie in bed for about 45mins each time with herbal medicine pouch fixing on waist area.

The effective component will penetrate into renal lesion. Through dilating blood vessels, restrict cysts fluids generation and increasing cyst wall permeability, the cyst liquids will be force into blood vessels and be carried out through blood circulation. By this, renal cysts in PKD patients will stop enlarging and will shrink little by little, avoiding further renal damages and renal functions decline.

If anyone who wants to know more information, you can tell your kidney cysts size, number and your symptoms or complications of PKD. We will provide you further suggestions. Contact mail kidney-treatment@hotmail.com

How to Improve PKD Patient's Renal Function

PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease) refers to numerous cysts growing in kidneys. It is a genetic kidney disease and most patients get PKD from their parent (s). As polycystic kidneys develop, enlarged renal cysts will squeeze adjacent kidney tissues, causing to renal functions decline.

How does improve declined kidney functions caused by PKD? If kidneys are damaged seriously, some renal functions may not be reversed. Thereby, early treatments to avoid declined renal functions are very important. Here are the three stages for improve renal functions.

1. Stop the enlargement of renal cysts and avoid the further progress of renal fibrosis. We know, once the sclerosis (dead renal intrinsic cells) occurs, there is no treatment in the world to reverse its renal functions. So we should avoid the occurrence of sclerosis.

For patients with PKD, all kidney damages come from the enlargement of renal cysts. So the first stage to improve declined renal functions is to control renal cysts.

2. Repair the damaged structure of renal intrinsic cells. From cytology, our kidney consists of various functional cells. As renal cysts oppress kidney tissues, the renal intrinsic cells in PKD patients will be divided into three parts. Some are healthy, some are damaged, the rest are dead.

As for the healthy one, we can keep them alive by preventing renal cysts from further enlarging. As for the damaged renal cells, we should use tonic drugs or therapy to repair them. In this way, some parts of renal functions can be regained.

3. As for those dead renal cells, we need to rebuild new structure of renal intrinsic cells to replace the dead one. Thus, the “dead” renal functions can be achieved accordingly.

After the above stages of treatment, PKD patients’ glomerular filtration function will increase, serum creatinine will decline, which show their declined renal functions increase. So dialysis and kidney transplant will be avoided. If you want to know more information, you can mail to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com


Treatment Process of Micro-Chinese Medicine And Immunotherapy for PKD

Normally, for patients with PKD(Polycystic Kidney Disease) whose renal functions decline greatly, the connection of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Immunotherapy will be recommended as the best choice. What’s the treatment process of the conjunctive therapy?

Following is a general introduction about the schedule:

1) After admission, patients will have a check-up to decide which kind of Chinese Medicines should be used for the patient.

2) Then, the Chinese medicine after micro-processing will be osmosed into the kidney from the patient back by TCM-osmosis apparatus twice to three times per day, each time takes 45 minutes.

3) After about one week adjustment, when the patient’s internal condition becomes better and clean, the patient will be intravenously transfused with Immunotherapy to the renal focus. And then follows the nutritional fluid to promote the differentiation of the Immunotherapy. Meanwhile, the patient continues to use Micro-Chinese Medicine.

4) After the first Immunotherapy, about one week later, the patient will be transfused with Immunotherapy again.

5) Then, the patient will continue to stay in our hospital for about one week to observe and confirm the effect. At the same time, the patient continues to use Micro-Chinese Medicine.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is the new development of Chinese herbal medicine. It helps shrink renal cysts and repair damaged kidneys naturally. Immunotherapy mainly used to take place of dead renal cells and renal tissues, which can improve the decline renal functions greatly. If you want to know more information, you can mail kidney-treatment@hotmail.com

Herbs to Lower Creatinine Levels and Avoid Dialysis

As Diabetes and High Blood Pressure rise in higher incidence, kidney failure becomes a major problem at present. Impaired kidneys can not filter all toxins out, including creatinine and urea. Many herbs contain magic property which can lower high creatinine levels and avoid dialysis.

Rakt Chandan. It is known as diuretic and anti-infection, which acts like a cooling agent in the urinary tract and is a urinary alkaliser. To reduce creatinine levels, Rakt Chandan contributes to improve renal functions to filter creatinine.

Butea Monosperma. It derives from a beautiful tree with pretty red flowers. It is used as a urinary alkaliser and also to relieve painful micturition. This herb usually not only is used in kidney failure, but also is effective in shrinking renal cysts and cleaning out stones naturally.

Crataeva nurvala. It is effective for urinary tract infections and to break down renal stones. This herb is also very useful in urinary tract obstructions, kidney failure due to any reasons and accumulation of fluids in the body.

Cichorium intybus. It is also known as “Chincory”, which is a common weed. It is a very good alkaliser and also gives strength to the kidneys. It is usually used in Chinese herbal medicine to improve renal functions and provide as tonic medicine for patients with high creatinine level.

Boerhavia diffusa. It is a natural cleanser and contributes to eliminating the toxins quickly without putting any burden on them. It is also an important herbal diuretic.

Usually, in order to achieve a better effects, Herbal Therapists prescript many herbs together instead of single one. Single herb may show magic power in one aspect of protecting kidneys, but the mixture of herbs tend to achieve an all-side improvement of renal functions. Thereby, herbs formula is expected not only to lower creatinine level, but also to revive other renal functions to regulate blood pressure and balance electrolyte levels.

As long as kidneys get its renal functions back, surely dialysis is not necessary any longer. If you need any help, you can contact at kidney-treatment@hotmail.com for further information.

Does PKD Affect Male Fertility/Sperms Morphology

Q: I inherited PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease) from my mother. I am 36years old. I have married for 3 years, but I have problem in getting kids. Does PKD affect Male Fertility/sperms morphology? Can you give some suggestions for my kidney disease?

A: Normally, Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) has no effect on sperms morphology/male fertility. There are many patients who have PKD get kids. Maybe your sperm problem is due to other reasons. I suggest you see andrologist.

As for your condition, I provide you the following suggestions.

As you are only 36 and patients with PKD will always have high creatinine level in their 40s, you really have to take early measures to prevent it. First you should pay close attention to your blood pressure. If it is high, you should take medicine to well control it and make sure the pressure is stable.

Second, manage a diet plan. Avoid spicy food, greasy food and stimulating food such as seafood, beef and mutton.

Third, avoid strenuous exercise, because it may cause pressure on the cysts and cause inside bleeding or infection. If there is urinary tract infection, receive treatment early.

Fourth, take regular test to observe the growth of the cysts and observe the renal function. If the GFR is decreasing, receive treatment to stop the progressing as soon as possible.

By far, there is no curable treatment in the world. Current treatments for PKD mainly are surgery and conservative treatment. After surgical removal, larger cysts disappear, but it makes more room for smaller ones which will grow faster than before. Therefore, patients should go to surgery room time after time.

Conservative treatment, is known as Chinese herbal medicine. It can shrink the cysts and recover the renal function naturally and without any side effects. However, it takes effects slowly. Generally speaking, patients can see the renal cyst shrinkage after about one month or longer time.

These are my suggestions for you. If you want more help, you can send your physical test reports to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com. I will make an analysis and give you customized suggestions.

High Blood Pressure 125~140 Caused By PKD

Q: I have PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease) has had it since 2007. My doctors only have given me telmisartan 40 mg and another inhibitor. I am not sure which I am taking. Even so, my blood pressure runs around 125~140. I have even looked in to herbs from drug store. Can you give some suggestion?

A: High blood pressure is common complications of PKD. Generally patients with PKD will have high blood pressure in 30s, high creatinine level in 40s and renal failure in 50s.

It is right for them to give you medications like telmisartan which will help make your blood pressure stable. You'd better continue with it. However, if you want to get rid of the medicine, you have to recover your kidney function first.
Telmisartan is a kind of angiotensin II receptor antagonists. You have to use it because when renal fibrosis happens, the angiotensin I secreted by the kidneys will turn into angiotension II with the action of aldosterone system, thus causing hypertension. If this process cannot be stopped, you have to take antihypertensives the whole life.

Besides, if the renal cysts continue to enlarge, the pressure on the kidney tissues will increase and cause lack of blood and oxygen supply in the kidneys. That's why PKD will develop to Renal Failure in the end.

In order to prevent kidney failure and dialysis, we should first well control the blood pressure. At the same time, we should look for ways to shrink the cysts and increase the blood flow in the kidneys. Therefore, we have to do something about the cysts now.

As you have looked into herbs, you must know something about Chinese medicine. Chinese medicine for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis is suitable for your condition. Prescriptions of Chinese herbal medicine for PKD can control the enlargement of kidneys, shrink renal cysts and repair damaged renal tissues. Meantime, it contributes to control blood pressure by improving declined renal functions and dilating blood vessels. If you still need further information, you can mail kidney-treatment@hotmail.com


Treatment for High Urea Nitrogen Caused By PKD

For PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease) patients, renal cysts cause kidney functions to decline and urea nitrogen will build up in blood, causing high urine nitrogen levels.

What is blood urea nitrogen?

Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) measures the amount of nitrogen in your blood, which is filtered out when kidneys work well. Urea is made when protein is broken down in your body. Urea is made in the liver (polycystic liver disease) and passed out of your body in the urine.

How does PKD cause high urea nitrogen level?

Blood urea nitrogen is an indicator of kidney functions. If your kidneys can not work well to remove urea from the blood, your blood urea nitrogen will be high.
In most PKD cases, numerous renal cysts keep enlarging, which will take for more space in abdominal cavity. Many neighboring renal tissues will be oppressed and affected. As renal lesions spread, kidney function declines day by day, thus kidneys fail to remove blood urea nitrogen normally.

How to treat high urea nitrogen level caused by PKD?

As mentioned above, high urea nitrogen level result from the decline kidney functions. Thereby the key to treat high urea nitrogen in PKD cases, should remove the root cause of declined kidney functions, which is to remove kidney cysts. Meantime, it is necessary to reverse the damaged kidneys and improve renal functions.

For larger kidney cysts which threaten your kidney health seriously, surgery can alleviate the patient in a short time. However, if your kidney cysts will not kill you in short run, conservative treatment is suggested for surgery will ask you pay the price of trauma to your kidneys.

Conservative treatment, also known as Chinese herbal medicine, which can control the growth of kidney cysts and shrink them (small cysts or larger cysts) without any trauma or any side effects for you.

Meantime, tonic herbs usually are added in the treatment for PKD, which help patient improve renal functions accordingly. Only PKD is controlled, can your high urea nitrogen level is reduced by your own recovered kidneys. If you are in similar condition, such as high creatinine level, you can mail to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com for further guidelines. Or you can contact our free online directly.

Electrolyte Imbalance and Kidney Disease

Kidneys are responsible for the balance of electrolyte. Once diseased, kidneys may not regulate the levels of them properly, then, you’d better to check their levels. Among these electrolytes, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and sodium are four electrolytes you should pay more attention to.

Calcium is necessary for muscle contraction, nerve function, blood clotting, cell division and healthy bones and teeth. Calcium is mainly stored in bones and teeth and only a little of them are in the blood. If calcium level is above or higher than normal, it is called hypercalcemia, on the contrary, if calcium level is below or lower than normal, it is called hypocalcemia. Hypercalcemia may cause confused, irritable or even coma. Hypocalcemia may cause depression, numbness, confusion, seizures and muscular spasm.

Phosphorus is negative electrolyte that impacts metabolism and regulates acid-base balance, and is important for the energy use in the body . It is usually present in blood as phosphate. Like calcium, it is also stored in bone and teeth. When kidney fails, its level is often to be elevated. Elevated level is a bad news for the health. Too much phosphate in blood will cause hyperphosphatemia, which may make you itch all over and may damage your bone. Too little phosphate in blood will cause hypophosphatemia, which may make you feel weakness and even coma.

Potassium regulates heart contraction and helps maintain fluid balance and is helpful for the work of nerve and muscle. Too much or too little potassium can cause sudden death. Unlike calcium and phosphorus, it is mainly inside your cells. When its level is above or higher than normal, it is called hyperkalemia. When its level is below or lower than normal, it is called hypokalemia. Hyperkalemia may cause muscle weak and even stop your heart. Hypokalemia may cause fatigue, muscular weakness and irregular heart rhythms.

Sodium is important for the balance of fluid and water in your body. Unlike potassium, it is mainly outside cells. Without proper balance of this electrolyte, your blood will be too thick or too thin, because of the change of water amount in your blood. If your sodium level is above or higher than normal, it is called hypernatremia. If your sodium level is below or lower than normal, it is called hyponatremia. Hypernatremia may cause thirsty, elevated blood pressure and headache. Hyponatremia may cause muscular cramps, headache, vomiting and nausea, even coma.

Not only each electrolyte level is important, but also the balance between them is also important. For example, calcium and phosphorus can combine to form crystal. Too much phosphate in the blood will bring calcium escape from bones and teeth. This situation may cause fractures. Besides this, too much calcium and phosphorus can form sharp crystal in blood which will damage blood vessels.

Although the amount of electrolyte takes small account in the body, its roles cannot be ignored by people, especially kidney patients. Any question, email me kidney-treatment@hotmail.com.

Natural Treatment For PKD Stage3/GFR 50

Q: I have Polycystic Kidney Disease and am in stage 3. Last year I was at 50 GFR. I would like to know if there is anything I can do to help my situation with my cysts?

A: We can treat you and help you shrink the cysts, avoid dialysis and Kidney Transplant with the unique therapy of our hospital. The treatments in our hospital refer to Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, a kind of natural remedy. Such treatment won't cause any side effects. It can help you shrink the cysts and protect your kidneys from being damage. Let me introduce it for you.

Micro-Chinese Medicine is not tablet or capsule, it is an external application therapy. The definition of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy: Chinese herbal medicines are micronized by strong ultrasonic cultivation method, so it's very tiny, and it can permeate into patients' body with the help of osmosis device, and those Chinese herbal medicines are selected by kidney experts, so they have high effect in treating kidney disease.

This kind of therapy is safe, and won't cause any side effects; some patients describe it as massage. This method not only puts more medicines into renal lesion, but also enhances the use ration of medicines, avoid the gastroenteritis which is caused by oral taking medicines and also avoid medicines loss, as we know if medicines are taken by oral, medicines need to go through all digestive systems.

After entering into patients' body, through dilating blood vessels, anti-inflammation, anticoagulation, and preventing blood viscosity, the internal environment of the kidneys will be improved much, so the kidneys will be protected in such environment, and some of the kidney cells who are being damaged will repair them by themselves, most importantly, the cysts will become smaller and smaller. If you want more help, you can mail to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com for more information.


Treatment for High Creatinine Caused By Polycystic Kidneys

Q: I have PKD liver and Kidney I am 52 on high creatinine and urea level and low hemoglobin levels now, is there anything else I should be doing?

A: First, Please don't lose confidence to fight with your disease, PKD can't be cured in the world, but it can't be controlled/treated well. With proper treatment, people can have the normal life as the healthy people. We received many foreign patient and they get the significant effect after receiving treatment.

The high creatinine and urea means your kidney has damaged seriously, so kidney can't discharge the normal product of metabolism. At the same time, low hemoglobin means that you have anemia.

The reason why you have high creatine and urea is that the kidney has damage, only the kidney will get repaired, the renal cysts will shrink, your illness condition will get better and better, and the symptoms like back pain will disappear naturally.

The key to alleviate your condition is to remove your renal cysts as soon as possible. Current treatments to remove renal cysts include Western medicine and Chinese Medicine.

Normally, when renal cysts are not big enough (larger than 5cm), western medicine will take no medical measures but waiting them to grow up. When they grow up, surgery will be adopted to abstract the cystic liquid from renal cyst-----this operation is known as “puncture”. However, Puncture will cause a trauma to your kidneys, especially for the nephron which is the basic part of kidney.

Chinese Medicine which is based on natural herbs and plants aims at affecting cyst wall and restrict it to secrete more cyst liquid, thus control the growth of renal cysts. Meantime, by dilating blood vessels, Chinese Medicine can shrink renal cysts without any side effects. Generally, Herbal therapists usually add tonic herbs to prescriptions of PKD which will help improve renal functions.

As long as renal cysts are controlled, surely its complication of high creatinine level will be lowered by your own kidneys accordingly. If you need any help, please feel free to mail at kidney-treatment@hotmail.com

PKD and PLD 5cm/Creatinine Level 0.7

Q: My mother is 65 years old and was just diagnosed with PKD. She just had a CT scan and an ultrasound. She also had her creatinine tested and it was 0.7. She has a fist size cyst on her liver approximately 5cm. We live in the states but I am interested in the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Immunotherapy for her. Is it affordable?

PKD is a kind of genetic kidney disease, so is there anyone in your family having this disease? It has various complications, like back pain, abdominal mass (enlarged kidney), hematuresis, hypertension, cyst infection, in the end stage, patients may have hard breathing, nausea, vomit etc. In addition, many organs will be involved, like liver, pancreas. Patients may also some cardiovascular disease.

The traditional treatment method for PKD is operation, like laparoscopic renal cyst decortications and pumping fluid hardening operation. But these operations just aim at the big cysts and leave the small ones alone. Although the elimination of big cysts can ease the pressure on kidney, it also offers space for the small ones which will grow quite fast.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can promote the blood circulation of the cysts wall, then the liquid will be absorbed and decreased. As the pressure inside the cyst decreases, the size of cyst also can become small. Once the pressure to the kidney is eliminated, the renal function will recover gradually and some discomforts will disappear.

You told me your mother’s creatinine is 0.7, that suggest your mother’s renal function is damaged not serious and then Immunotherapy transplant will not be needed and this will also ease your financial burden.

You told me she also has cyst on liver. This is common for PKD patients, and once cysts on kidney are eased, the cysts on other organs will become small and even disappear naturally.

I suggest your mom take the treatment timely. Now she is in the early stage of disease, this also makes the treatment easier. If her cyst continue to grow and damage her renal function, besides the high cost, it will become harder to stop the further aggravation of her disease. If you have other questions, please feel free to ask me. My contact mail is kidney-treatment@hotmail.com

Why PKD Worsen After Dialysis

Q: My Grandpa is quite ill because of PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease). He has undergone 3 dialysis but his condition worsens after dialysis. Can you tell me why?

A: PKD is known as a common genetic kidney disease. As renal cysts grow up, they will take up more space in abdominal cavity. Thereby, kidney tissue will be oppressed by enlarged renal cysts. Overtime, kidney loses its normal functions and many toxins build up in the body. When PKD develops into Renal Failure, doctors may recommend dialysis to patients.

Dialysis can help remove the wastes and toxins from body which can release patient’s poison condition in a short time. In emergency condition or in severe cases, dialysis is a necessary treatment for PKD patients.

As for why patients become weaker after dialysis, this is because dialysis is not the real kidneys, after all, so it can not distinguish the waste and nutrition substance. As a result, many necessary materials, such as mineral matter, will be filtered out together with toxins.

Besides, dialysis takes no effects in renal functions. In other words, it replaces the discharge function of kidneys, but doesn’t help kidneys to all its functions back. Impaired kidneys get no remedy during the duration of dialysis, there is no wander they will keep lose its functions.

Nephrologists say, when patients depend on dialysis, their kidneys do not work which make the two organs “rotten”, thereby, kidneys worsen faster than before. This is way, many patients become weaker after dialysis treatment.

As for PKD patients, their declined kidney functions result from the enlarged renal cysts. So the key of treatment is to control the enlargement of renal cysts instead of kidney replacement remedy only. The scientific stages for PKD should include as follows:

● Control the growth of kidney cysts. As long as kidney cysts stop to grow, no further damages will happen to kidneys.

● Remove kidney cysts naturally. As kidneys are damaged by kidney cysts, any trauma to kidneys will surely worse kidney functions, thereby, renal cysts should be shrinked naturally.

● Improve kidney functions. After polycystic kidneys are tackled, kidney functions should get an improvement. In this way, kidneys can filter out toxins and regulate blood volume by their own. Needless to say, you will get rid of dialysis in this condition. Let alone becoming weaker, after dialysis. If you need any help, you can mail kidney-treatment@hotmail.com or you can contact our free online service directly.


What Does Creatinine Level 125 and No Symptoms Mean to PKD patients

Q: I have PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease), but no symptoms yet. I am 63 and last time I checked serum creatinine 125. Is it possible I will not be affected?

A: Your creatinine level is 125. It is still in normal range, but at the highest limit. Generally patients with PKD will have high blood pressure in 30s, high creatinine level in 40s, and kidney failure in 50s. You are 65, but your general condition is still good, so you are already the lucky one compared to others.

Kidneys have strong ability of functional compensation. Even you have no symptoms, your kidney function may have been damaged. Many patients found kidney disease when they begin to have nausea and continuous vomiting. It is too late. When they have obvious symptoms, it is already at Renal Failure stage. Therefore, I suggest you receive treatment early.

Apart from creatinine level, I suggest you to take other tests, especially cystsain test and Glomerular Filtrate Rate (GFR) test for the two indexes are more exact in reflecting the kidney function.

Cystsain is in blood test. It is more sensitive than creatinine. If kidney function is damaged, it will increase earlier than creatinine. Even when creatinine is still normal, the Cystsain in blood will be high. So it can help detect kidney damage early.

GFR is short of Glomerular Filtration Rate, which reflects the function of glomeruli. The normal range for healthy people is 100-120. For people over age 60, if GFR is over 60ml/min, it is considered ok.

All symptoms and complications mostly result from underlying renal cysts for PKD patients. Renal cysts keep enlarging, which causes declines to renal functions. If the tests show your renal functions decreases, you need to take measures to control and remove renal cysts as soon as possible. Meantime, tonic herbs for kidneys are necessary for improve your renal functions. If you still have confusion or problem, you can mail to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com

Immunotherapy Reverses PKD Patient's Renal Function

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is incurable by far. As polycystic kidneys enlarges, renal functions declines little by little. However, it doesn’t mean you can not reverse your declined renal functions. Immunotherapy helps you call kidney functions back.

What is Immunotherapy?

Immunotherapy is a primary cell which has no rejections for the body. Meantime, it can divide into any kind of human cells after it arrives at the body.
Immunotherapy has two major characteristics, self-renewing and differentiation. After implantation, Immunotherapy will divide into a group of daughter cells and then the daughter cells will continue to divide into the healthy cell that your body needs.

How does Immunotherapy reverse declined renal functions of PKD patients?
Once renal cysts are large enough in size or in number, they will squeeze kidneys and cause damages to them. As a result, there are three kinds of renal cells: healthy ones which have not been damaged by cysts; impaired one which have been broken but still have a certain functions; dead one which have already dead caused by the cysts.

It is because some renal cells are dead and broken, patient’s kidney functions is lost accordingly. What Immunotherapy can do it to repair a few of broken cells and replace the dead renal intrinsic cells.

After transplant, Immunotherapy can divide into a series of growth factor which can stimulate the broken cells to self-cure, meantime, these factors can provide necessary nutrition for damaged renal cells to repair themselves.

As for the killed renal cells, Immunotherapy will differentiate into new cells which are needed by kidneys. Thereby, these differentiated cells will play the similar functions of the dead ones.

By repairing damaged cells and replacing dead cells, Immunotherapy can reverse PKD patients’ renal functions. Normally, in order to provide a good environment for Immunotherapy to grow up, Chinese herbs are suggested for its curative functions of dilating blood vessels, fighting against inflammation, anticoagulation and dissolving extracellular matrix. With these functions, Chinese herbs can clean away the toxins and wastes which builds up in the body. If you need any help, you can mail kidney-treatment@hotmail.com for further information.

Can PKD Patients Eat Hamburger

In fast food restaurant, hamburger is our common choice. However, in terms of its seasonings, hamburger is not a choice for Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD).
Why PKD patients can not eat hamburger?

As we all know that hamburger is very delicious which is always associated with its various seasonings. However, hamburger contains rich potassium and phosphorous, which can be deadly if you have advanced PKD. Thereby, hamburger should in the avoided or limited diet list for PKD.

Meantime, the meat in hamburger usually are fried which contribute to improving your cholesterol and creatinine, as well as increase the risk of hear disease, obesity and depression. It is better for people with PKD quit or at least eat less hamburger.

How to quit or eat fewer hamburgers?

Portion size is a critical factor in whether you can eat a hamburger, because if you are overweight, losing even a small amount of weight can lower cholesterol levels of PKD patients.

Saturated fat increases burden your impaired polycystic kidneys. You can lower saturated fat by using extra lean ground beef instead of higher-fat meat or fired chicken.

Prepare yourself with an alternative. If you are PKD patients, you’d better make hamburger at home instead of eating at McDonald’s daily. When you make hamburgers, you can prepare yourself alternatives without fried meat, butter or cheese. However, in order to make your hamburger delicious, you can increase vegetables in your hamburger.

Make a good plan and cut down hamburger slowly overtime. A good plan will help quit hamburger as soon as possible. For instance, if you take hamburger twice a day, then cut it down to once a day. And then twice a week and once a week, until you can cut it totally out from your life. If you need more help about diet for PKD patients, you can mail kidney-treatment@hotmail.com or contact our online service directly.


Is Dialysis the Only Choice for Creatinine Level 6.7

Persistent high creatinine is an indicator of kidney dysfunction. Creatinine level 6.7 is pretty high, which implies the condition of CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease) Stage4. In this stage, you may prepare for dialysis. However, is dialysis the only choice for creatinine level 6.7?

Is dialysis the only choice for creatinine level 6.7?

High creatinine level 6.7 means that much toxin accumulates in the body for kidneys can not work normally. Dialysis may be suggested in your daily schedule. In this severe condition, patient needs the help of dialysis to remove the waste out of body immediately. As kidney replacement tool, dialysis can help clean away useless products in a short time.

Dialysis only can help patient to discharge the waste product from the human body, but there are many functions can not be achieved by dialysis, such as regulating blood value, balancing the electrolyte and secreting hormones etc. Dialysis may help reduce creatinine level effectively, but it take no effect in achieve other renal functions. Therefore, patient still need to receive other useful treatment to improve all-side kidney functions.

How to improve all-side kidney functions?

In our hospital, we mainly use the natural treatment for patients with kidney disease. Our characteristic treatment is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy + Immunotherapy Treatment. This treatment is the natural treatment, without any side-effect.

Micro-Chinese Medicine is abstracted from the Chinese herbs, which is not surgery or oral taking medicine. In fact, it is the external application method according to the Chinese acupuncture point.

Immunotherapy are the original cells of human body, they have a strong ability of self-replication, they can differentiate into various kinds of cells which the body need, thus rebuilding the new environment of the human body.

With the conjunctive therapy, impaired kidneys are repaired and declined kidney functions get a comprehensive improvement. Thereby, it can help dialysis to lower down creatinine level effectively, meantime, it prevents patients from depending on dialysis in the rest of life. Any help, you can mail to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com or talk with our online service directly.

What Can Make You Stop Dialysis

Once someone starts dialysis, he hardly stops it. Dialysis is life sustaining technology. To discontinue dialysis blindly even can cause someone to die in a few weeks. It doesn’t mean that you can not stop dialysis forever, but you should on the conditions—either successful transplant or all-sided renal functions improvement.

Actually 25% of people with renal failure say “no” to dialysis each year in America. Amongst them, some lucky guys get successful kidney transplant and surely they can stop dialysis happily. However, the sad news that donor kidneys are in short supply and many patients die before they receive the call from “waiting list”.

Another right way to stop dialysis is to improve renal functions. In fact, we make use of dialysis, because it can replace the kidneys to filter out the toxins in the body. In a words, dialysis=renal discharge functions. Thereby, as long as renal functions get enough improvement, dialysis will not be needed any more.

The common way to improve renal functions is Tonic Chinese Herbs, which show a major function in dilating blood vessels. As renal failure develops, some tissues in kidneys become dead or damaged because of withered blood vessels. After tonic herbs, blood vessels refresh again and then “long time no see” blood and oxygen are carried to renal lesions. Needless to say, damaged renal tissues will get their renal functions back.

One thing should be pointed out that if you are in serious renal failure condition, you may need a period of dialysis before Tonic Chinese herbal medicine improve your renal functions greatly. After all, it needs time to take effects in your impaired kidneys.

However, don’t worry that you will depend on dialysis or live a poor quality life for the temporary kidney replacement treatment. Chinese herbal medicine repairs impaired kidneys and help them work by themselves. For example, someone’s leg get hurts and he needs the support of crutch for several weeks, but when his leg can move, surely he will walk by himself without any support. In another words, with the help of Chinese herbal medicine, your kidneys can work without dialysis after a period of treatment.

Dialysis may cause many problems in your health, daily life and finance. However, we should judge it with wise eye. In severe condition, we need it as a transition before we get the chance of kidney transplant or we get elevated renal functions. If you need more help, you can mail to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com

How Much Renal Function Can Get Back After Chinese Herb Medicine for PKD

Q: I am suffering from PKD and now I am on dialysis three times per week. My renal functions are 10%. What the benefit if I try Chinese herbal Medicine and how much renal functions can get back?

A: In your condition that PKD is severe, fully recovery is not possible even after Chinese herbal medicine. You have already in the end stage of kidney disease (ESRD) and what Chinese herbs can achieve is to prolong the interval even to get rid of it.

As for how much renal function can come back after treatment, it is hard to predict for the final result get various factors involved. However, 10%~20% improvements is a better output.

You know the renal function losing results from the numerous renal cysts, thereby the first step is to control the growth of kidney cysts. Chinese herbs medicine usually are the mixture of many kinds of herbs and some of them can control the cyst wall to release less liquid or stop it to secrete watery fluids, thus achieves the goal of stop further renal function reduction.

With the respect of existed renal cysts in PKD which have already form damages to kidneys, we can not leave it alone for it will keep aggravate kidney functions.
Chinese herbal medicine can help make a pressure difference between blood vessels and cyst pocket and thus let cyst fluids flow into blood vessels which will be carried out through urination eventually. As long as existed renal cysts shrink to small enough, they won’t hurt kidney functions any more.

When renal cysts are cleared way, Chinese herbal medicine can work better in increasing renal functions. Through dilating blood vessels, Chinese Herb medicine can let more oxygen and blood refresh impaired renal tissues. No wonder, these herbs will bring an improvement of kidneys.

For the dead renal parts which Chinese medicine can not take effects, Immunotherapy are suggested for PKD, because they can generate into new renal intrinsic cells to replace their renal functions. Usually the conjunction of Chinese herbal Medicine and Immunotherapy can improve renal functions of PKD patients highly. If anyone who wants to know how much renal functions you can achieve after treatment of the two therapies, you can send your physical test report to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com for further consultation.

How to Lower High Creatinine Levels Without Dialysis

When high creatinine levels reach about 5.0, Dialysis will be a common treatment in your alternatives. However, the severe side effects of dialysis make many patients frustrated. If so, you may try Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy which can lower high creatinine levels naturally.

What is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy?

Micro-Chinese medicine osmotherapy is a newest treatment for kidney disease based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). TCM, established since 2500 years ago, prevails widely in the world, which include herbs, acupuncture, cupping, medicated bath and massage etc. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy develops on the base of Chinese herbs.

However, as traditional Chinese herbs are oral administration, so long-term treatment may hurt your digestive organs. Meantime, it tastes too bitter that many foreign patients can not tolerate. Thereby, even TCM shows amazing effect in lowering creatinine level. Many patients are unwilling to have a try. In order to avoid these disadvantages, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is created for Kidney Disease patients.

How does Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy lower high creatinine levels naturally?

Its form is a kind of external application and its processes are as follows: choose herbs, make them into powder under the help of grinder, collect the powder into medicine pocket, steam the pocket, soak the pocket with penetrant, fix the pocket on patient’s waist area, link the osmosis devices with medicine pocket, and eventually the ingredient of herb powders will permeate into renal lesions through skin and tissue.

As we know that persistent of high creatinine level results from the impaired kidneys. Thereby, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy lowers creatinine through repair the underlying damaged kidneys.

When ingredients arrive at renal lesions, they can dilate blood vessels and stop inflammations, prevent blood clotting and dissolve immune complex etc. Through these curative effects, sufficient blood and oxygen can reach renal lesion and activate the damaged tissues. In this way, renal function will get an improvement and kidneys can reduce high creatinine level by its own work. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is one common way in TCM to lower high creatinine levels. If you want to know more about TCM, you can mail to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com


Natural Remedy Stop PKD to Develop

PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease) stems from the blocks of certain renal tubules (mostly due to genetic defects), and then these blocks develop into independent cysts with on channel for liquid excretion. Cyst wall secretes liquid, and the cyst gets bigger and bigger and press normal kidney tissue, with the final result being kidney function decline.

Based on this pathological mechanism, a new natural remedy named Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is introduced here.

These cysts are independent and have no channel for liquid excretion, however, there cysts are covered by blood capillaries called efferent arteries. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy promotes cyst-liquid filtrating out into these efferent arteries, and then cyst liquid is taken away with blood circulation.

First, Effective ingredients of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy promotes the blood inflow to kidneys and enhance the flow speed of blood circulation. By this, the Suction of blood flow will be more powerful. Just imaging blood flow as a tornado, the quicker the pace of ration, the harder things can avoid its suction.
Second, ingredients of TCM soften the cyst wall, and inactivate cyst wall’s secretion of liquid. Softened cyst wall paves way for easier cyst liquid filtrating out into blood capillaries, and inactivated cyst wall become incapable of secreting more cyst liquid. So, once these cysts in kidney are shrunk, they hardly have the chance for relapse.

In summary, accelerated blood flow together with softened cyst wall contribute to the filtrating out of cyst liquid. At the same time, effective ingredient of TCM inactivates cyst wall cells and prevents its further secreting liquid. In this way, natural remedy—Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can stop PKD to develop further. Any help, you can mail to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com

Dialysis Only Can Not Remedy Kidney Failure

Q: My daughter is a patient of Kidney Failure, and she suffered from this disease for ten years and now she is on dialysis. What’s your opinion for her condition? What’s the characteristic treatment in your hospital?

A: Our Hospital is a specialized kidney disease hospital in China. Dialysis is a common medical method for renal failure patients for it can remove toxins from patient’s blood right away. However, dialysis only can not remedy kidney failure for it only can take place of kidney discharge functions but it can not repair the impaired kidneys. Thereby, no matter how long you take dialysis, your kidney failure can not get any improvement. In contrary, kidney functions will reduce faster for it is out of work.

As for your daughter’s illness condition, we adopt Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Immunotherapy treatment.

About your daughter’s illness condition no matter take any kind of treatment, one thing should think about is repair her damaged kidney , because the necrotic function are already no way to be turned back. The kidney itself have a strong compensation function, so long as she has little urine, that means her renal has little function to be left, so, it is very important to repair well the relict kidney function, the relict kidney can recover its detox function to improve its GFR, meanwhile, and other related index will be decrease.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an external application. By dilating blood vessels, it can make the great use of herbs and send the sufficient blood and oxygen to the necrotic renal part. In this way, it can help kidneys to self-cure and improve a part of kidney functions accordingly.

As the long medical history of Kidney Disease is about ten years for your daughter. She must have not a many kidney functions. Once the remaining functions in kidneys are too low, especially when it is less than 30%, Immunotherapy will be suggested in our hospital so as to achieve a better curative effect.

Immunotherapy can differentiate into new renal intrinsic cells and take the place of dead renal cells. Thereby, this new techonology can make a great achievement in the improvement of kidney functions. Any help, please contact kidney-treatment@hotmail.com freely.

What Food Should Avoid with High Creatinine Level

High Creatinine Level usually an indicator of kidney dysfunctions. A good diet plan can help improve kidney condition. Avoiding some foods harmful for kidneys can release its burden and help reduce high creatinine level.

The following food should be avoided for people with high creatinine level.

High protein food.

Urea is a kind of wastes which should be filtered out when kidneys work normally. Protein in food can break down into urea. It will burden your kidneys especially, when kidney function are decreased. High protein food can be found in tofu, bean and other bean products.

High creatinine food.

Many animal meats contain rich creatinine, especially the meat from wild game. The meats, such as beef, pork, salmon, tuna and cod should be no the limited or avoided diet list. In addition, some drinks also can generate rich creatinine, such as milk and cranberry juice.

High salt food.

Low salt food is always the “gold rule” for patients with kidney disease. High salt food not only can burden kidneys, but also can aggravate the complications, especially high blood pressure and swelling.

High sugar food.

As it is known that diabetes is a major cause for kidney dysfunction, thereby, high sugar food should be on the limited range for high creatinine level patients. Besides, high sugar food which contains abundant glycine can increase the liver’s generation of creatinine.

Food contains arginine.

High arginine food may don’t affect kidneys directly, but it can stimulate live to product more creatinine. Thereby, high arginine food can increase the total amount of creatinine in the body. Your doctors or dietitian may alarm you with chocolate, almonds, cola, beer, peas, gelatin etc.

Diet plan is of great significance in reducing high creatinine level. When your doctor make you’re a diet list, you need to regard as your diet rule for a long time. Never just offend the rules for a temporary delicious taste, because a bite of limited food may destroy all your previous efforts. Meantime, we need to know that diet plan is only a supportive method and the major treatment way for high creatinine level should aims at the underlying kidney damages. If you want to know more or need any help, you can mail to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com


The Key to Treat Polycystic Kidney Disease

Polycystic Kidney Disease is a kind of congenital and hereditary disease. The renal parenchyma is filled with countless round cysts of different size which are not interlinked with the outside. As PKD can’t control well, End Stage of Kidney Disease will be the final result. Thereby, it is necessary to find the key to control PKD.

PKD is an abnormal genetic disease and there is no treatment can change genes now. But that is not to say we can do nothing about this disease.
According to our clinical experience, the most dangerous factor for PKD is the enlarged cysts can press the kidneys and functional cells are dead due to ischemia and anoxia, if this condition can not blocked immediately, kidney will fail to work at last.

In the numerous renal cyst, there is liquid. The little cysts are invisible to the naked eye, while the big cysts can be a few centimeters, so it is called Polycystic Kidney. The manifestations are increase of Nocturia, lumbago, hypertension and so on. There is hematuria and little proteinuria in urine test. It will slowly develop to Chronic Kidney Failure. 10% of the patients with Polycystic Kidney have kidney stones, and 30% of the patients are accompanied by Polycystic Liver.

From above we see that the key to treat PKD is well-control renal cysts. As long as we can control the cysts not enlarge or shrink, the development into renal failure can be halted. Then you will get a chance to protect your renal function from further aggravation.

Now you can take herbal osmotherapy to restrict the cyst liquid to generate, in this way, you can block the aggravation of your renal function. And also herbs can help remove your renal cysts naturally which will not cause any trauma like surgery to your impaired kidneys.

As long as renal cysts are controlled, relative symptoms and complications of PKD will disappear spontaneously. Any help, you can mail to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com

Improve Left Kidney Functions 48% and Right Kidney Functions 42%

Kidney function is the direct indicator that how well our kidneys work. If kidney functions are less than 50%, creatinine level will decrease and send the signal that we need to improve kidney functions right away.

What does left kidney functions 48% and right kidney functions 42% mean?
Usually kidney functions 48% and right kidney functions 42% means patients are in the moderate conditions. In this condition, creatinine levels have already elevated for kidneys can not remove toxins out of the body. Most patients are suffering from high blood pressure or other complications, such as renal anemia, hart to breath etc.

How to improve left kidney functions 48% and right kidney functions 42%?
The common treatment for kidney disease are dialysis and kidney transplant. However, to moderate kidney conditions, both of them are too earlier to take.
Chinese herbal medicine is suggested, which can repair damaged kidneys. When kidneys are damaged, renal fibrosis will appear and spread in the kidneys. By dilating blood vessels, Chinese herbal medicine can help bring more oxygen and blood to kidney lesions, thus refreshes the necrotic kidney tissues and improve its functions.

Apart from Chinese herbal medicine, Immunotherapy is another advanced technology in treating kidney disease. Differing from herbs, Immunotherapy mainly aims at “revive” the dead cells and tissues of kidneys. Once cells and tissues are dead, they will lost the kidney functions and can not rise from the dead again.
Even though, Immunotherapy can differentiate into new kidney intrinsic cells and kidney tissues, thus “revive” the dead functions. Immunotherapy play a great role in improving kidney function, especially in severe kidney cases. If you want to know more information about your case, you can send your urine test and blood test report to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com. We will provide a individual guideline via mail.

Can Dialysis Save Your Kidneys

Dialysis is common treatment for many people with advanced kidney failure to prolong their life. Dialysis can partly replace the kidneys to remove toxins out of the body. However, dialysis ≠ save your kidneys.

Can dialysis save your kidneys?

Kidneys are important organ in the body. All blood needs to be filtered by kidneys in every second. Apart from discharge functions, kidneys also regulate blood volume, balance electrolyte, secrete necessary endocrine, generate initial urine etc. For dialysis only can replace one function, it fails to save all your kidney functions. Even so, dialysis can not save the discharge ability, for it only takes the replace of that ability instead of help kidney to sustain this function. Meantime, due to dialysis, some kidney function are not necessary to work, thereby, kidneys usually worsens faster than before.

Are there alternative to dialysis?

Herbal medicine. Herbal medicine, as the treasure of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), has developed for more than 2500 years. Different herbs have different properties. Mostly, therapist usually prescript several herbs instead of single one for patients so as to it can achieve an all-side effects, such as repairing kidneys, improve renal functions and offsetting side effects.

Immunotherapy. Immunotherapy is new breakthrough in treating kidney disease. It has the property of renewing and differentiation, which can differentiate into new renal intrinsic cells to improve renal functions accordingly.

Dialysis can prolong your life at the expense of poor life quality. In some severe conditions, dialysis is an important treatment to let patients keep alive. However, dialysis can not save your kidneys. In the contrary, it can speed up the kidneys functions falling down. Thereby, if you are not in the last days, alternatives to dialysis are suggested to improve your renal functions, thus saves the kidneys. Any help, you are welcomed to contact kidney-treatment@hotmail.com

A Cold Affects Polycystic Kidney Disease Greatly

At present a cold is known as an indisposition, so some people can overcome it by some medicines and even some people let it run its course. But for the patients with PKD, a cold is never a mild illness but a blasting fuse which can arouse a further damage of renal function.

Due to the abnormal gene, the cysts have an exceptional function to secrete cysts fluid incessantly. A large amount of cysts are growing in the kidney and oppress the renal tissue, resulting in the damage of renal function.

When the cysts destruct the renal function, the body immunity has already declined and cannot go against disease as usual. So when some flu viruses spread in the region or changes in the weather, many patients with PKD might be infected and have a cold.

Once colds occur and amount of viruses invade the body, the patients cannot get rid of the cold as quickly as the healthy people. Due to the poor renal function caused by PKD, complications caused by the cold will stay in the renal nephrons and cannot be clear away by the kidney. It is the complication which would lead to a further damage of kidney. All the treatments they have had before lose efficacy just because of a small disease—cold. Thereby the symptoms of PKD will aggravate and the patients will be much weaker than before.

In order to keep the pre-existing condition of patients with PKD, they must try their best to prevent the cold. For the cold is a very common disease in our daily life, it is difficult to avoid the infection of cold virus. They should keep warm and be away from the crowd who are always the carriers of cold virus.

Although keeping away from the cold can help patients to remain their pre-existing renal function, they cannot be free from the symptoms of PKD. Only the cysts are controlled or shrunk, can patients with PKD live a normal life like the healthy people. If you want to know more about PKD, please consult our experts online or mail to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com.


How to reduce creatinine of patients with PKD?

One of the most important tests for patients with PKD is the examination of creatinine, for creatinine can help doctors to measure the level of renal function. Thereby many patients care about how to reduce the level of creatinine.

What is creatinine?

Creatinine is a chemical waste product of muscle contractions and should have been filtered by and discharged through the urine. Generally creatinine levels in the blood remain unchanged from day to day because muscle mass usually stays the same. So in the normal condition men have approximately 0.6 to 1.2 milligrams/deciliters (mg/dL) of creatinine, whereas women have between 0.5 to 1.1 mg/dL of creatinine.

Why does the creatinine rise in patients with PKD?

Kidney is an organ which mainly filters the wastes from blood and eliminates them through urine. But in the patients with PKD, ceaseless enlargement of cysts oppresses the renal tissue, resulting in the damage of kidney. Kidney’s filtering ability is deficient and creatinine is piled up in the blood, causing the rise of creatinine blood level which is used to help doctors to calculate a person's creatinine clearance and measure the renal damage. The routine blood test can present the creatinine levels of patients which are evidences to diagnose whether the kidney is destructed.

How to reduce the level of creatinine?

Follow a low-protein diet. Protein is an essential nutrient to your health, but if you have kidney complications or need to reduce your creatinine intake, limit poultry, red meat, fish and eggs. Consult your physician for adequate protein servings per week based on your health needs.

For the creatinine is produced by the muscle, patients should avoid strenuous physical activity, thereby decreasing the level of creatinine.

Consider beginning dialysis. If the creatinine levels cannot be controlled through diet or medication, doctors may conclude that the kidneys are failing, and the patient should begin dialysis.

Although the attentions above may play part to reduce the blood creatinine temporarily, the underlying disease cannot be treated from the root. As long as the cysts are growing, the creatinine would rise again. Thereby the patients with PKD should choose the treatment to stop the growth of renal cyst. Any help, please contact kidney-treatment@hotmail.com.

What Will Happen If Creatinine Increases

When you move, your muscle will break down some byproduct which is called creatinine. Usually the increase of creatinine get muscle mass and kidney involved. However, the constant creatinine increase generally suggests the kidney dysfunction, for creatinine should be filtered by kidneys from the blood.

What is creatinine?

Creatinine represents a derivative of creatinine phosphate and the human body typically synthesizes it at the relatively steady level. It is a breakdown byproduct of muscle. Creatinine creates every day as a normal muscle metabolism output. For healthy people, kidneys will filter the creatinine from the blood and cleanse the creatinine out of body by urination. However, if your kidneys can not function well, creatinine will deposit in your body and creatinine level will be high.

What will happen if creatinine increases?

Creatinine level do not elevate until the kidneys functions has marked falling down. Usually, when creatinine begin to increase, it indicate that your have lost more than 50% kidney functions.

Initial high creatinine levels may not create outstanding signs or symptoms. As creatinine builds up in the body gradually, some possible signs may appear, including fatigue, sleepy, loss of appetite, dehydration. Meantime, if you do not take medical measures for your kidneys, associated renal problems may include proteinuria, blood in urine, high blood pressure and renal anemia etc.

How to lower creatinine level?

As mentioned above, the root cause is impaired kidneys. Thereby, the treatment should start from them. Many ways can help lower creatinine levels, such as diet changes, lifestyle management, herbs and medications etc.

Diet changes. Avoid high creatinine food, high protein food, high salt food and food containing arginine. Take more fruit and vegetable instead of processed food.

Herbs. Herbs, such as cinnamon, stinging nettle, salvia, chamomile contain special properties which can cleanse away inflammation and improve renal functions, thus lowering creatinine levels.

Chose a right treatment. There are many treatments for high creatinine levels. However, we suggest the one which focuses on the underlying kidney disease.

If you are interested, you can mail to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com for more information.

What Are the Effects of Polycystic Kidney Disease On Kidneys

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) caused by faulty genes, which are divided into ADPKD and ARPKD. With the increase of renal cysts in number and in size, PKD will cause many severe effects on kidneys.

Kidney damages. As the growth of kidney cysts, they will squeeze the nearby renal tissue and absorb nutrition from the kidneys. As a result, renal intrinsic cells can be damaged and the kidney functions will function abnormally. Common signs can be blood in urine and proteinuria when renal cysts hurt renal filtering membrane.

Kidney enlargement. The enlarging cysts will lead to enlarged kidneys and the large size of kidneys will cause pain in back, in flank, in abdomen etc. Besides, cyst enlargement makes the cyst wall thinner and thinner, in which way, cyst rupture may occur at any time.

Complications. PKD usually can take effects in kidney functions and leads a series of complications and the major ones are high blood pressure and high creatinine level. Healthy kidneys play a great role in regulating blood volume. When it gets damages, it will secrete renin, which can contract blood vessels after break down. Creatinine is the waste products of muscle metabolism which should be filtered out by kidneys. When renal cysts cause kidney dysfunctions, creatinine will build up in the body and lead to high creatinine level.

Renal Failure. PKD is a genetic kidney disease. As long as cyst wall keep secreting fluids, renal cysts will sustain growing up and destroy more and more kidney function, whose final output is renal failure.

Dialysis and kidney transplant. When patients step into kidney failure step, too much toxins deposit in the body and create many poisoning phenomena. If your GFR (Glomerular Filtering Rage) is less than 15, you are the candidate for dialysis which is hard to get rid of or kidney transplant which hardly to get a right match.

The growth of kidney cyst causes the whole effects on kidneys, so if we can stop the enlargement, patients won’t suffer a lot. Surgery surely can remove some larger cysts right away, but it will make more space for the small one to grow rapidly. To halt the enlargement, the key is to stop the cyst fluid secreting.
Natural herbs remedy can take effects on cyst walls and achieve the goal.

Meantime, it can shrink the renal cysts in size and in number, as well as improve your kidney functions. By far, herbal medicine is an approbatory treatment for many PKD families. If you are interested, you can mail to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com for more information.

Can PKD Cause Rapid Heartbeat

In some cases of PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease), patients compliant about rapid heartbeat, which wakes me up at night and they can not get back to sleep. It beats like this all day, everyday. Is the rapid heartbeat associated with PKD?
For most people, there is no close relation between kidneys and heart. In fact, regulate blood stream is one major kidney function. According to Kidney Foundation, the kidneys perform their life-sustaining job of filtering and returning to the blood stream about 200 quarts of fluids every 24 hours. It is the blood circulation that gets kidneys and heart together closely.

High blood pressure is one of the complications of Polycystic Kidney Disease, which can make heart overload with work, causing rapid heartbeat. More specifically speaking, high blood pressure makes heart pump out more blood. As renal cysts get enlarge, catecholamine in blood will get an elevation. This can quicken the heartbeat.

Heart problem usually happens in many patients with PKD, such as aortic insufficiency or mitral value prolapse, in which condition, it can not prevent blood flow back to ventriculus sinister. As a result, patients tend to rapid heartbeat.

For patients with severe PKD, rapid heartbeat may occur at the end of dialysis (what can make you avoid dialysis). In many countries, when patients step into Renal Failure stage, dialysis or kidney transplant will be the only one choice. Many patients experience high heart rate while on dialysis, especially at the end of dialysis. Normally, your doctors will ask you sit for a bit after the treatment when they find your rapid heartbeat.

Emotion is another inducement for rapid heartbeat. When PKD progresses through the ages, a feeling of crowed organs happens in many patients under their ribcage or in their back. In fact, this results from the enlargement of cysts in number and in size. However, many patients feel scared for they don’t know the underlying cause. It is the “imaginative worries” that makes their hearts beat faster than before.

PKD patients should make regular physical management for themselves. Meantime, they should keep a close eye on their heart problems which may threaten life. Besides, the treatment for underlying PKD should be taken as soon as possible. If you need any help, you can mail to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com. We are glad to help you. Free service online is also available for you.


What Kind Of Fruit And Vegetables PKD Can Not Eat

Every patient with PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease) should pay attention to what they eat for the food you eat may improve or worsen your kidney functions. Most fresh fruit and vegetables are available and good for PKD patients. However, some fruit should be on the avoided or limited diet list.

Hawthorn. Hawthorne can raise blood pressure to go up especially when it is used in combination with beta blockers. Meantime, hawthorn can aggravate the cardio complication. According to a short study, there are a majority of interactions with hawthorn and other medications related to heart disease and blood pressure.

Kola nut. Kola nut contains much caffeine which can stimulate cyclic AMP. This material can speed up the growth of renal cysts in number and in size. Other foods containing caffeine should be on the avoided diet list for PKD patients, such as chocolate, cacao, coffee etc.

Celery. Celery is alkaline which can make your kidneys ache when you eat raw. Meantime, celery breaks the PKD diet rule of low sodium. It is the sole vegetable which contains rich sodium.

Nightshades vegetables should be avoided, including tomato, eggplant, peppers, potato etc. All these food are hard to be absorbed for PKD patients and these vegetables can help form crystal oxalate which leads to achy joints.

Noni juice. In terms of the growers of noni juice, there exist some cases which are harmful for kidneys. The reason is that noni juice has rich potassium, which can stimulate the cysts in people with PKD to enlarge gradually.

They are the common fruit and vegetable for PKD patients to avoid. All dangerous ones can not be listed completely here. If you need more information, or not sure whether some foods are beneficial or not for your PKD recovery, you can mail to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com for final answer. We are glad to help you.

How to Prolong PKD Patient's Life

PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease) can not be cured in the world by far, but it doesn’t not mean that PKD patient can not live a long or quality life. A good health care surely will prolong PKD patient’s life.

What patients with PKD should do to prolong life?

Diet. Diet makes an important role for we need to eat every day. What foods we choose can improve or worsen the kidney condition. The common golden rules for PKD patients are low salt, low fat and low potassium diet. Most fruits and vegetables are beneficial to prolong PKD patient’s life. However, some vegetables or fruits should be avoided for PKD patients, such as potato.

Exercise. Mild exercise helps improving life quality for PKD patients. Patients with PKD can try ancient Chinese exercise, which is proved magic in holistic improvement. Ancient Chinese exercise includes Tai Chi, Kong Fu, Qi Gong etc. The fierce modern game should be avoided for PKD patients, because these games may cause the rupture of renal cysts.

Treatment. Medical measures are the basic to alleviate polycystic kidneys. Controlling the enlargement of renal cysts and move them out of the body can prevent your kidney functions falling down from the root. Surgery and conservative herbal therapy are two major choices for PKD. The former one removes some larger cysts right away at the expense of trauma to kidneys. The latter one shrinks and removes renal cysts naturally on the basis of costing longer time. Choose a right treatment for yourself early can avoid many sufferings and lead to a quality life.

What patients with PKD should avoid to prolong life?

● Alcohol and smoke.

● Intake of foods containing caffeine which will activate cyclic AMP which can stimulate renal cysts to grow up.

● Take dialysis early. People with PKD should not take dialysis, unless GFR is less than 15 or severe complications appear. Early being on dialysis can reduce your kidney functions rapidly.

● Urinary Tract Infection.

● Kidney Stone

● High blood pressure

Many patients with PKD live a longer life than normal people. PKD doesn’t sentence a forever poor and short life. As an old saying goes, some one will achieve the goal if he has enough reason to make it. This goes for the life span of PKD patients. Some of them live a longer life, because they do much better in every aspects of life. Some of them live a short life for they do less in their life. Hope every patient with PKD live a longer life. Any help, you can mail to pkddoctor@hotmail.com

What Can/Can't Someone With PKD Drink

Drinks are various and colorful which provide many choices for people. However, not every drink is alternatives for PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease). What can PKD drink? What can not someone with PKD drink?

What can someone with PKD drink?

Milk. Milk contains much nutrition, such as calcium, iron, zinc, manganese and molybdenum etc. Compared with other drinks, milk not only are more nutritious but also are easy to digestive for patients with PKD.

Water. Patients with PKD are suggested to drink enough water. If you are not suffering from swelling, enough water intake is believed to slow the progression of PKD. Besides, water is helpful for the kidney stone which is a complication of PKD.

Lemon juice. Lemon juice is a good pain reliever and an alkalizing beverage, which is believed to kill the flank pain or back pain for some PKD patients.

Blueberry juice. It is proved that blueberry is beneficial for brain health and anti-aging. It is also helpful to avoiding the elevation of cholesterol which is usually associated with PKD.

In fact, most of vegetables and fruit are good to slow down the progression of PKD. However, you’d better have a talk with your dietitian before you list any drink in your diet.

What can not someone with PKD drink?

Coffee. Coffee contains much caffeine which will stimulate cyst growth of PKD and PLD. Any drinks contain caffeine should be avoided by PKD patients. Don’t drink any milk or water combined with chocolate and coffee,
Alcohol. It is proved that drinks containing alcohol develops high blood pressure. This will make kidney functions (How to improve PKD patient's renal function) of PKD patients falling down rapidly. Meantime, alcohol can interfere with some medications for your polycystic kidneys.

Tomato juice. Tomato is rich in potassium which can accelerate the decline of kidney functions. Meantime, potassium can worsen the PKD patients’ complications, such as high blood pressure and high creatinine level. Oxalates also can be found in tomato which can cause a problem for polycystic kidneys. Other nightshade vegetable juice should aloes be avoided for they have the similar influence for PKD condition.

Celery juice. Celery can help enlarging kidney cysts by stimulating the secretion of cyst fluids. Patients with polycystic kidneys should avoid such a drink.

PKD can not be cured by far, however, good diet and right treatment can provide patient a full and long life. Good drinks play an important in prolonging PKD patient’s life. If you are interested or need any help, you can mail to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com for more information. We glad to help you.

With 30% Renal Function,What Should I Do For My PKD

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is characterized by the pockets of cyst liquid which locate on kidneys. Due to genetic fault, constant cyst liquid leads to larger and larger renal cysts which interfere with kidney function.

What does 30% renal functions indicate?

Doctors divide all kidney disease into five stages according to the kidney function which is indicated by GFR (Glomerular Filter Rate). Here is a reference for you to figure out the stage that 30% renal function should belong to.

Stage1—signs of mild kidney disease but with normal or better renal function—GFR greater than 90%

Stage2—mild kidney disease with reduced renal function—GFR 60%~89%

Stage3—moderate chronic renal insufficiency—GFR30%~59%

Stage4—severe chronic renal insufficiency—GFR15%~29%

Stage5—end stage of kidney disease—GFR less than 15%

What should I do for my 30% renal functions caused by PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease)?

Before the medical measures are established for your polycystic kidneys, you should know the key to improve your renal functions. As we know that the abnormal kidney functions result in the renal cysts. Thereby, stopping renal cysts to enlarge is the basic goal we should achieve.

Removing renal cysts is a common choice. However, removal of larger cysts does not mean that the small ones won’t grow up. By far, there is no surgery which can remove all renal cysts together. Besides, repeated surgeries will cause the kidney functions falling down rapidly.

Alternative treatment is Traditional Chinese Medicine which can shrink renal cysts naturally, no matter what the size of renal cysts. Unlike surgery, Traditional Chinese Medicine forces renal liquid moving to blood vessels and shrink cysts little by little. It may cost longer time to remove your renal cysts, however, it won’t cause any trauma for your impaired kidneys.

When renal cysts are controlled, the next step should be the improvement of kidney function. To revive renal functions, Immunotherapy is a newest method for PKD patients. After Immunotherapy are implanted in the body, they can move to renal lesion for its special property called “going-home”. When they find their locations, they will differentiate numerous new renal cells to refresh your renal functions.

When PKD patients step into severe condition, some kidney functions will not reversed, thereby, you are suggested to take treatment as soon as possible. If you need any help, you can consult our online service or mail to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com


What Are the Supplements of PKD

Supplements are various in the pharmacy, however, for PKD patients, they should know what are the supplements of PKD and what supplements should be avoided for PKD.

What are the supplements of PKD?

● Herbs. Many herbs are beneficial supplements for PKD, such as dandelion root, cranberry, parsley, hydrangea, uva ursi, marshmallow, watermelon seed, goldenrod etc. Some herbs help cleanse away toxins and some herbs take effect in stopping renal cyst enlargement.

● Vitamin and mineral supplements. As PKD worsens over time, patients tend to weak caused by severe symptoms. Vitamin and mineral supplements are suggested for it can help alleviate the symptoms of PKD. Besides, there supplements are beneficial for patients when they are on dialysis (Dialysis≠Long Life). However, some kind of supplements may interfere with the medications for PKD, so you need to talk with your doctors before buy them home.

What are not the supplements for PKD?

● Aspirin. Aspirin is an over-the-counter medicine which is toxic for kidneys and helps impair kidney functions. Thereby, patients with PKD should avoid any supplements contain aspirin. Some other similar medicines should also be cleaned away, such as paracetamol.

● Acetaminophen. Supplements or medicines contains acetaminophen should be avoided for PKD’rs. Long term use of it can make your kidney functions fall down.

● Celery supplement. Some supplements are made of celery or other nightshade vegetables should be avoided for they can stimulate the aggravation of polycystic kidneys.

Supplements should be used to delay the progression of PKD and help patients to recovery fast. If they choose wrongly, supplements will take adverse effects for polycystic kidneys. Any help, you can mail to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com

Home Remedy for Polycystic Kidney Disease

There are no much choices of home remedy for Polycystic Kidney Disease. Yet, we find some alternatives in eastern medicines. Eastern medicines are also known as Traditional Chinese Medicine or Chinese Herbal Medicine.

Herbal tea. Many herbs are proved to be beneficial for your polycystic kidney disease. Different herbs may show different properties in remedying your symptoms. Uva ursi helps treat urinary tract infections. Garlic contains antioxidants which help protect healthy cells from damage caused by free radical. Dandelion works as diuretic. Herbal tea is a good alternative of home remedy for polycystic kidney disease.

Traditional Chinese Medicine. Traditional Chinese Medicine is used for kidney disease since 2500 years ago in Ancient China. Thereby, Chinese medicine therapists accumulate much experience in treating kidney disease, including Polycystic Kidney Disease. In many countries, many doctors tell you that there is no cure treatment for PKD and the only alternatives is dialysis or kidney transplant. However, no kidney alternative treatments are available in Ancient China, but many PKD patients also can live a full life with the help of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Good news is that Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) also can be used at home. Usually, you need to see Chinese Medicine doctor who will prescript a formula for your polycystic kidneys, according your individual condition. Then you can bring the herbs home and boil them in your kitchen. The decoction is your therapy.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. This is also a kind of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It prevails in China now, because it is a kind of external application and patients don’t bear the bitter taste of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Besides, it is under the help of modern osmosis devices, which helps it taking effects fast for your PKD. This home remedy needs professional direction.
Normally, you need be hospitalized for a about 20days for professional care, then you can bring the small osmosis devices and herbal pocket home for natural home remedy.

Home remedy can make your more convenient for your can adopt treatment without lying on the hospital room. However, any home remedy needs you to talk with your doctor first to ensure the right handle. If you are interested, you can mail to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com for more details.

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