
What Does Creatinine Level 1200 Indicate for Renal Failure Patient

Creatinine is the waste products of muscle metabolism, which is filtered out by kidneys. Creatinine level 1200 is really a very high level which may be an indicator of serious kidney condition.

What is creatinine?

Creatinine is the byproducts of muscle metabolism. In normal condition, it should be cleansed away by our kidneys. Thereby, the level of creatinine is always associated with increase of muscle mass and kidney functions.

What does high creatinine level mean?

High creatinine level can be caused by many factors, such as much intake of high creatinine food or high protein food, long-term exercise, allergy to special medicines and kidney functions decline etc.

However, constant high creatinine level usually indicates the renal dysfunctions. Creatinine levels do not elevate until a marked falling in kidney functions. Normally, when creatinine level is higher than normal range, you have lost 60% renal functions.

What does creatinine 1200 indicate?

Creatinine 1200 is really a very high level. However, before the answer is established, you need to clarify that you are diagnosed with Acute Renal Failure or Chronic Renal Failure. If it is Acute Renal Failure, you do not need to worry too much, because it usually can be well handled by local hospital. But if it is Chronic Renal Failure, your condition could be more serious.

For chronic renal failure, creatinine level 1200 tells that you are in the end stage of renal failure. Much toxins deposit in your body for kidneys dysfunctions and most symptoms occur at this stage, such as heart failure, swelling, vomiting and itching etc.

For chronic renal failure patients with such a high creatinine level, they may have already been on dialysis. Dialysis can remove some toxins, including creatinine, in a short time. But only dialysis can not work. The key is to improve renal function and make kidneys to filter out toxins. Only in this way, you will not depend on dialysis in the rest life and your can cleanse out the creatinine by your repaired kidneys. If you are in similar condition, you can mail your test report to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com.

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