
Is End Stage of Renal Disease Always the Final Result of PKD

As Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) can not be stopped in many countries, patient with PKD usually progress into End Stage of Renal Disease (ESRD) sooner or later. However, End Stage of Renal Disease is not the predestined fate for PKD patients, if they can control the renal cysts well.

Why can ESRD be the final result of PKD?

Due to faulty genes of PKD, numerous renal cysts will emerge in kidneys of patients when they are 30s and some cases may be earlier. As renal cysts enlarge over time, they begin to squeeze and oppress nearby kidney tissues, causing the renal functions falling down. If renal cysts can not be controlled in size and number, sooner or later they will damages almost part of kidneys, leading to end stage of kidney disease.

How long does PKD progress into ESRD?

Normally, PKD patients find renal cysts appear in kidney at their 30s and this disease will develop rapidly in one’s 40s and many complications will be occur in this decades, such as high blood pressure, heart failure etc. When patients step into renal failure stage, it usually takes 2~4 years to the end stage of kidney disease.

How to avoid the end stage of kidney disease for patients with PKD?

From what discussed above, the key to control the progression of PKD should focus on the enlargements of renal cysts. What makes the renal cysts keep enlarging? It is the cyst fluids which derive from a kind of lining cells locating on the inside of cyst wall.

By far, many herbs are considered can take effects on the lining cells. Usually the formula of herbal medicine will be the mixture of several kinds of herbs. When the ingredients of herbal medicine for PKD are absorbed by the body, the structure of lining cells will be changed. As a result, the lining cells will secret less cyst fluids and absorb back more cyst liquid into blood vessels. In this way, cyst fluids will be carried out by blood circulation and be cleansed away the body by urination.

As long as the function of lining cells are changed, they will not keep secrete liquids and them cysts in polycystic kidneys will not grow up. As long as cysts are controlled, End Stage of Kidney Disease will never happen in you.

In addition, tonic herbs can help improve your renal functions, thereby, herbal medicine also can help renal failure patients to avoid dialysis. If you need any help, you can mail to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com for more guidelines.

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