
What Will Happen If Creatinine Increases

When you move, your muscle will break down some byproduct which is called creatinine. Usually the increase of creatinine get muscle mass and kidney involved. However, the constant creatinine increase generally suggests the kidney dysfunction, for creatinine should be filtered by kidneys from the blood.

What is creatinine?

Creatinine represents a derivative of creatinine phosphate and the human body typically synthesizes it at the relatively steady level. It is a breakdown byproduct of muscle. Creatinine creates every day as a normal muscle metabolism output. For healthy people, kidneys will filter the creatinine from the blood and cleanse the creatinine out of body by urination. However, if your kidneys can not function well, creatinine will deposit in your body and creatinine level will be high.

What will happen if creatinine increases?

Creatinine level do not elevate until the kidneys functions has marked falling down. Usually, when creatinine begin to increase, it indicate that your have lost more than 50% kidney functions.

Initial high creatinine levels may not create outstanding signs or symptoms. As creatinine builds up in the body gradually, some possible signs may appear, including fatigue, sleepy, loss of appetite, dehydration. Meantime, if you do not take medical measures for your kidneys, associated renal problems may include proteinuria, blood in urine, high blood pressure and renal anemia etc.

How to lower creatinine level?

As mentioned above, the root cause is impaired kidneys. Thereby, the treatment should start from them. Many ways can help lower creatinine levels, such as diet changes, lifestyle management, herbs and medications etc.

Diet changes. Avoid high creatinine food, high protein food, high salt food and food containing arginine. Take more fruit and vegetable instead of processed food.

Herbs. Herbs, such as cinnamon, stinging nettle, salvia, chamomile contain special properties which can cleanse away inflammation and improve renal functions, thus lowering creatinine levels.

Chose a right treatment. There are many treatments for high creatinine levels. However, we suggest the one which focuses on the underlying kidney disease.

If you are interested, you can mail to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com for more information.

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