
Best Treatment Options for 24 Years Old Girl with PKD

"My girlfriend who is 24 years old has Polycystic Kidney Disease. I would like to hear your opinion on the best treatment options?"
As for the consultation about the best treatment options for your girlfriend's kidney problem, we are now giving the following explanation. Hope this can be helpful for you.

In general. PKD is not easy to be detected before 20s; people affected by the disease often occur high blood pressure in their 30s; with the growth of cysts in size and number, their renal function can be affected with high creatinine level and some other symptoms in their 40s; kidney failure will be caused in the age of 50s. ( How to Prevent Polycystic Kidney Disease Developing into Kidney Failure? )

So far, the best treatment option should help us slow down the progression of PKD and guarantee patients to live a normal life as healthy persons. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Immunotherapy are considered as the most effective treatment around the world.

Micro-Chinese Medicine is only available in our hospital. As a kind of Chinese herbal remedy, it is applied externally to help us accelerate the blood circulation of cyst wall, promote the permeability of cyst wall, make more cysts liquid filtered out and restrain the secretion of cyst liquid so as to prevent the cysts from further expanding.
For patients with kidney damage, Immunotherapy is used to block further damage to renal cells and tissues, improve the kidney function and regulate the overall immune system. Specific methods include immune blocking, immune clearance, immune regulation and immune protection, etc. Personlized treatment plan can give you the biggest chance for successful recovery.

There are also important factors that are important for experts to estimate your girl friend's present condition, as well as put forward possible treatment schedule.

1. Does she have hypertension, Diabetes, or heart problem?
2. The level of creatinine, BUN, UA, HGB? What's her GFR or residual kidney function?
3. Medical reports such as blood test, urine test, ultra-sound test or CT scan of the kidneys, biopsy test, etc can also help us judge her condition.
Thanks in advance for your cooperation. Our endeavor together with your cooperation and positive attitude will surely make a difference in treating her disease. Further contact, you can e-mail to pkddoctor@hotmail.com.

Learn More: Is Traditional Chinese Medicine for PKD Efficient

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