
Adult Polycystic Kidney Disease: How Can I Shrink the Cysts

Flank or abdominal pain, blood in urine, infection, high blood pressure, reduction of renal function etc are all torturing the patients with adult polycystic kidney disease (PKD). Numerous cysts in kidneys are like the poisonous insects which devour your kidney tissues, resulting in renal failure. All the patients are appealing an effective treatment to shrink the cysts instead of waiting for dialysis and kidney transplant.

Is dialysis or kidney transplant as my only choice?

Adult PKD are a type of hereditary disease with a high rate to pass down. Some studies have proved that a child has 50% rate to suffer PKD if one of his parents has this disease and has 75% rate if his parents both have PKD. Thereby it is terrible for children and parents to experience more and more serious symptoms without any methods but waiting for dialysis and kidney transplant.

In fact, as long as shrinking the cysts or controlling the cysts at a little size, patients with adult PKD can keep a good renal function and have a normal life. How to shrink or control the cysts in kidneys?

How to shrink or control the cysts in kidneys?

Immunotherapy is the individual treatment to shrink the cysts effectively in our hospital. It has absorbed the advantages of Chinese herbs and western medicine and treat adult polycystic kidney disease with a very good result. The herbs components in immunotherapy are all provided by our own pharmaceuticals and planting base, so you are not worried about their safety and effectiveness. Immunotherapy can regulate the body tissues and change the function of cells of cysts. The cells would absorb the fluid from the cysts instead of secreting fluid to cysts. Thereby your cysts would be hoped to become smaller and smaller and most of the indexes would become normal.

Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital is one of the biggest and best hospitals commit to kidney disease. Only in one year the patients we have treated are more than 20,000 and patients with adult PKD take up 6%. If you have been diagnosed with adult PKD, never lose up to wait for dialysis or transplant, for the adult PKD is easy to be controlled in the early stage by immunotherapy. You can talk with our experts online or leave a message below for more information or an appointment.

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