
Bard's Story: Hospital Doesn't Cure PKD, People Do

Bard’s Story

Bard and Viola were live in a small town in Austrilia. When they weren’t working, Viola was volunteering services at their church. “We are satisfied with our life, peace and busy.” However, their life changed during one of common afternoon when Bard screamed for his burning back pain.

Viola companied Eddie went to see his doctor, but she didn’t think that it is a big deal. After the Ultrasound, Bard was sent to a Kidney Disease specialist. "I left the office of the specialist and went straight to the hospital," Bard says. "I never even went home."


The diagnosis is Polycystic Kidney Disease which can not be cured. “it just seemed to happen overnight and I was surprised when I know it was a genetic disease. I have no PKD familial history”. Said Bard. The largest cysts size is already 19cm and Bard needed to make through decision of where to go for treatment.

Reason for Coming to China

Bard’s local nephrologist suggested Chinese herbal medicine. There were too many larger cysts in Bard’s kidneys, draining them one by one by surgery is not feasible and Bard’s general health condition can not afford the repeated surgeries.

Treatment from Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital China

From the moment Bard checked into Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, Bard’s team of doctors worked together to develop a treatment customized for him.
Dr. Chen says: “our concern is that his general health condition is not very good as the young patients, so all aggressive drugs are avoided. Almost treatments for him is herbal drugs, including Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Cyst-killer, medicated bath.”

Good news is that his function is not bad, so only the herbal remedy can reverse his function much and Immunotherapy is not a must.

Caregiver Support at Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

Viola says, "I was thrilled. And because of the caregiver support group, I knew everything I needed to know to take care of him, period.”

Bard says: “Hospital Doesn’t Cure PKD, People working here Do.”

Life Now

Two weeks ago, Bard sent his ultrasound tests and shared the good news—his polycystic kidney shrinks 6.2cm by far.

Today, you can find them participating in fundraisers through their church and community to help raise money for people who need to travel to Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital for PKD care. Pearlie says, "The hospitality and the care they gave Bard and I both – I thank God for it every day."

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