
Common Learning of Polycystic Kidney Disease

Polycystic kidney disease (PKD), as an inherited disease, affects the kidneys. Sacs of fluid (called cysts) grow in the kidneys. If too many cysts grow or if they get too big, the kidneys become damaged because of the pressure. The cysts may also cause pain or may get infected.

For many people, PKD is mild and causes only minor problems at the early stages. PKD is more severe for some people and can cause kidney failure it its progression can be controlled well at the beginning. About 50% of patients who have PKD have kidney failure by age 60.

With the progression of cysts, about 60% of people who have PKD also have high blood pressure, which can be treated with medicine. The most common symptom of PKD is high blood pressure. Other symptoms are: pain in the back and side; blood in the urine; frequent kidney infections and so on.

For most cases, this disease is diagnosed when a person begins to have symptoms, but, we should know, not all patients will have all of these symptoms.

As for the complications, people who have polycystic kidney disease may also have cysts in the liver, but these cysts seldom cause problems. Other organs that may be affected include the brain, intestines, pancreas, ovaries and spleen.
Polycystic kidney disease can cause problems with heart valves in some people. When this disease affects the brain, it can cause an aneurysm (a bulging blood vessel which can rupture).

For the treatment for polycystic kidney disease, it is always believed that no treatment is available for the cysts caused by this genetic disease. If the cysts are causing symptoms, these symptoms can be treated so you will be more comfortable.

However, it is the theory of western medicine. Except the western medicine, Chinese medicine can be another choice for the patients. Chinese medicine proceeds from the abnormal proliferation of the renal tubules epithelial cells. it takes its function from the following aspects: the first one is: expand the vessels on the vascular wall surround the polycystic kidney disease, accelerate the blood circulation of cyst wall, promote the permeability of cyst wall, promote the inner press decrease of cyst wall vessels, reverse the differential pressure caused by intravascular pressure higher than cysts pressure, accelerate the vessels adsorption of the cyst liquid. The second one is: the active substance of Micro-Chinese Medicine can restrain the secretion of cyst wall epithelial cell; prevent the continue expanding of bursa wall vessels and cyst.

By this, Chinese medicine can prevent from the complications and renal failure for the patients to some extent.

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