
What Does It Mean If You Have High Creatinine

When kidney disease patients go and perform a check in hospital. They will be told to have a high creatinine level. Then, what does it mean if you have high creatinine in your blood?

Serum creatinine level can exactly reflect how much kidney function has been damaged. Extremely high levels of serum creatinine can be caused by Kidney Failure.

Generally, the normal range of creatinine level is 44-133umol/L (different countries and different hospitals might be different). When the serum creatinine is over 133umol/L, it means kidney function decline has appeared.

The index of creatinine can exactly reflect the severity of the damaged renal parenchyma. Because only GFR (glomerular filtration rate) declines 1/3, that the serum creatinine begins to elevate. That is to say, our kidneys have strong compensatory ability, and people can not feel the discomforts when kidneys are slightly damaged. So, when people begin to have vomiting, nausea, faint and other symptoms, the kidneys have been damaged severely and there is already an obvious elevation of serum creatinine level.

We say it is End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) when the serum creatinine level is over 707umol/L. Wastes like serum creatinine accumulating in the body will do great harm to our body. At this time, patients will suffer from vomiting, nausea and have difficulty of lying at night. At this time, the wisest choice might be dialysis to discharge the wastes out of body. At the same time, patients should receive adequate therapy to repair kidney functions. You have the possibility to get rid of it.

Some patients still refuse to take dialysis when their serum creatinine is over 1000umol/L. This is not right and patients might lose their lives if so.

The main possibility of high levels of serum creatinine is kidney damage. However, other factors like hyperthyroidism and acromegalia can also lead to elevation of serum creatinine. This requires patients to receive complete checks when they find high levels of serum creatinine. While low levels of serum creatinine can be caused by gestation, muscles atrophic lesions or Liver Function Obstacle.

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