
Why Will Kidney Disease Cause Nausea

Patients with kidney disease are often afraid that they are in renal failure stage. Many times they asked us "I have symptoms of renal failure, what can I do?" Actually, there are many reasons of nausea apart from Renal Failure. Here we will explain why will kidney disease cause nausea.

1. People with Nephrotic Syndrome often have large amount of protein leakage and cause hypoproteinemia. Not only the limbs and body will have edema, the gastrointestinal tract will also have edema. It will cause disorders of digestive tract and patients will have nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Chinese medicine considers that retention of damp-turbid substance causes qi rising in stomach. Once urine output increases, the symptoms of digestive tract will be less serious and nausea will disappear.

2. Hyponatremia. Kidney disease can cause low serum sodium(<130umol/l)due to various reasons.

1> Water retention in the body or over intravenous transfusion will cause dilutional hyponatremia.

2> Long time no salt diet.

3> Metabolic acidosis will make sodium outside the cells permeate into the cells.

4> Some interstitial kidney disease will damage the tubular reabsorption function and more sodium is discharged with urine.

5> Improper use of diuretics.

People with hyponatremia can have nausea.

3. Metabolic acidosis. Patients with chronic kidney failure will have acid metabolites deposited in the body, which will cause metabolic acidosis. By testing pH and CO2CP, we can see the degree of metabolic acidosis. At this time, patients can have sighing respiration, nausea and vomiting.

4> If patients with Nephritis or other kidney diseases use cyclophosphamide, they will often have nausea and vomiting. It is due to the damage to liver function. After stopping the use of cyclophosphamide, the liver function will be gradually recovered and the symptoms like nausea and vomiting will disappear.

5. Patients with Renal Failure will have high Blood Urea. The blood urea will be resolved by the urease of bacteria in the stomach and intestine. It will stimulate the gastrointestinal mucosa and cause inflammation or ulcer. The decline of kidney function will also influence the discharge of gastrin and cause digestive disorders. According to the clinical observation, the the seriousness of nausea is consistent with the BUN level and the damage of kidney function.

The above is the explanation of why will kidney disease cause nausea. When patients have nausea, please don't be in panic. If treated in time, the symptoms can be effectively removed and the kidney function can also be recovered by Chinese medicine. Any help, please email to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com .

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