
Tips to Prevent Exacerbations of PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease)

An important step to getting control of your PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease) is avoiding the exacerbations. The following are a few tips of preventing the exacerbations of Polycystic Kidney Disease.

1. Keep a positive emotion

PKD patients should set up their confidence to fight against the disease. As the development of medical science, the cure of PKD will be in the near future. Also, a positive emotion can improve the immunity of people, which is helpful in the treatment of Polycystic Kidney Disease.

2. To treat timely and take medicines scientifically.

Polycystic Kidney Disease is a kind of hereditary disease that a lot of patients will also have Polycystic Liver and 50% patients will suffer from high blood pressure. The continuous growth of cysts will oppress the kidney tissues, leading to the ischemia of kidneys units. Therefore, to get the cysts cleared from the root, patients should start from improving the blood circulation. Simple surgery can remove the bigger cysts, but the smaller ones will grow continuously.

In addition, PKD patients should not take medicines without prescription, which might aggravate the illness condition.

3. Diet

Avoid foods such as spicy, polluted, and rotted and barbecue. For patients with kidney function decline, they should also avoid the beans and limit the high protein foods.

4. Have a good rest

Avoid strenuous physical activities and abdominal trauma. When the cysts are large, do not take belt for fear of the cysts rupture.

5. Avoid infection

The main infections can be urinary tract infection and cysts infection, which is more common in females.

6. The control of high blood pressure

High blood pressure can aggravate the kidney function.

At last, take to your doctor about creating an action plan. Creating a written action plan with your doctor can be a useful tool to manage your PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease). An action plan can help you know when and who to call if your symptoms get worse. Hope patients with PKD can find a natural and safe therapy to get PKD treated.

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