
What is the Most Frightening Aspect of PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease)

For most PKD sufferers, the most frightening of Polycystic Kidney Disease is death. But many things along the way can also be a trouble. The following are the most frightening aspect of some Polycystic Kidney Disease patients. Share Your Experience

End Stage of Polycystic Kidney Disease Feels Like Death Sentence

I have to take dialysis 4 times a week and I have been put on the waiting list for kidney transplant. Nausea, vomiting and severe back pain really makes me sick and I can not sleep well at night. I can not find the meaning of my life. When I read about “the end stage”, the first thing comes to my mind is death. I do not know whether end stage of renal failure caused by Polycystic Kidney Disease is a death sentence.

I am scared about my mother

My mother has PKD, her creatinine level was 400umol/L, and she refuses to have dialysis, which makes me worried. She seems to be very weak and everyday she just takes some anti-hypertensive medicines to bring her blood pressure down. She has told me that she is ready- I don’t know if I am. I pray the lord gives me the strength to help her through this.

Fear of progression

I get my PKD from my father and he died 5 years ago due to kidney failure. It bothers me that there is really nothing to stop the progression. Presently, I know that herbs medicines might be helpful to shrink the cysts. I am absolutely horrified that some day I will end up just like my father, fighting for every breath.

Having my children watch me pass away

I am 60 years old with end stage renal disease caused by Polycystic Kidney Disease. I have four children36, 28, 24,20. I do not want them to miss out their lives because they are trying to take care of me. I hate the fact that they will have to watch me pass away. I want to be there for them. It is so much for them to bear.

Giving my disease to my son

My son gets PKD from me and I do not want him to bear everything that I have endured. It is not fair for him.

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