
Find Chronic Kidney Diseases Early

Chronic kidney disease endanger people’s health nowadays. Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is one of the chronic kidney diseases. We should find and treat this kind of disease as early as we can.

In developed countries, 6.5%-10% of people develop varied degrees of kidney diseases. The majority of people find they have kidney diseases when they catch a cold or get other diseases. Sometimes the disease is found in a physical examination. It is because there are no obvious symptoms at the beginning. Therefore it is easy to miss the best period to be treated. At last, some of them even need long-term dialysis, which will cost a lot of money.

We could find chronic kidney diseases from following methods.

Urinalysis could help us know if there is blood urine, proteinuria (protein in urine), cylindruria etc. Urine micro-albumin could help find kidney damages in early period. Relatively examinations should be done especially people who are accompanied with Diabetes, hypertension, family history of kidney diseases, rheumatism or people who take medications for a long time. It is due to the fact that all those factors could lead to chronic kidney diseases easily. For healthy people, it is better to have urinalysis once in a year. However for high risk group, it is better to check urine once in 3-5 months. Besides, when you catch a cold, both blood routine examination and urinalysis are needed. This is because cold is a factor that could cause many kidney diseases. For example, AGN will easily present two weeks later after one catches a cold. IgA Nephropathy can also be found after a cold because the disease has aggravated.

People who get acute or chronic amygdalitis easily need to pay more attention to urinalysis to see if there is streptococcus infection, which may cause kidney diseases.

Then if you find edema around your eyes or on your legs, hypertension when you are young, foam in urine, dark urine, back and belly pain, frequent urination during night or anemia, you need to see a doctor in time. Most of the time, they are symptoms of chronic kidney diseases.

Women who have married may present frequent micturition, urgent urination, odynuria, white blood cell or bacteria because of urinary tract infections. But if we don’t treat it in time, kidney mesenchyme damages could be caused. Even Renal Failure may present. So early find and early treatment is an important principle.

From above contents, we may find kidney diseases early and treat in time. Then our kidneys could be protected.

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