
Alcohol and Kidney Disease

Moderate alcohol consumption is beneficial for us to prevent cardiovascular disease, however, the high alcohol consumption is considered as the culprit of kidney failure in some cases. For this reason, many patients with renal impairment may begin to wonder if drinking alcohol in daily life.

Patients with renal impairment need to take several medications daily to treat kidney disease and other complications such as hypertension, anemia and heart problems. Alcohol has the potential to interact adversely with numerous drugs. From this point of view, it is of great importance for patients with renal impairment should consult their physician before consuming alcohol, because alcohol abuse affect your disease condition directly.

The following are several medications that can interact with alcohol and possible side effect caused by the interaction of them. If you are a failure and kidney patients are taking one or some of these drugs, avoid drinking alcohol will be necessary.

1. Alcohol can interact with analgesics such as aspirin and paracetamol, which leads to gastric bleeding, anticoagulation and liver damage.

2. Chronic alcohol consumption also interact with anesthetics and causes liver damage.

3. For patients with renal failure who are taking antibiotics like erythromycin, acute alcohol can increase your risk of liver disease isoniazid.

4. In some cases of renal failure, patients taking anticoagulants to prevent thrombs. Chronic alcohol consumption decreases the anticoagulation and acute alcohol intake increases the anticoagulation reduces the metabolism of the drug.

5. Antihistamines is a common drug for patients with renal impairment and for people who are taking this medication, alcohol can cause dizziness, drowsiness, sedation and decreased motor skills.

6. For patients with renal failure who take antipsychotics, acute alcohol consumption can cause loss of coordination and fatal respiratory complications.

Alcohol can interact with many drugs, so it will be beneficial for patients with renal failure if you can limit or avoid drinking alcoholic beverages. if you have any questions please comment below, email or live chat. Our mailbox is kidney-support@hotmail.com

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