
My creatinine was 5.2 with lupus do I need dialysis

My creatinine is 5.2 with Lupus. I need dialysis? Please advise on the best treatment option. "This is an investigation we receive a lupus nephritis patients. In this article we will discuss this issue in detail. I hope it helps people in similar conditions.

To be honest, there is no way to provide the answer if you need to start dialysis because creatinine 5.2 with lupus, since we are not clear about their overall condition disease. Could you please send an email to kidney-support@hotmail.com. with test report or information of the disease? After analyzing by our team of experts kidney, we will reply with suggestions individualized soon!

In general, creatinine 5.2 with lupus patients can avoid dialysis while taking the comprehensive treatment to halt the progression of kidney disease or reverse the disorder ever. The last blood contamination Therapy is a good choice with such healing effects.

How can you avoid dialysis creatinine 5.2 with Lupus by Blood Therapy contaminació?

As a systematic treatment, this therapy can work mainly from two aspects: thin the blood by removing harmful substances and restore global renal function. By doing so, renal disease does not develop in the future and kidney failure can be avoided successfully.

Chinese medicine plays an essential role during treatment of blood contamination Therapy. Specific treatment methods may include Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, full bath therapy, acupuncture, enema, moxibustion, etc. An accurate diagnosis is the premise of making the most appropriate treatment plan.

I hope the above introduction on how to avoid dialysis creatinine 5.2 with lupus can be useful. If you want more information, leave a message below. Glad to share free help!

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