
Nephrotic syndrome

Nephrotic syndrome is a group of symptoms including hematuria, proteinuria, high blood pressure, swelling, etc. Since it has almost the same symptoms of nephrotic syndrome, which often are considered as the same disease. However, they are two diseases.

Generally speaking, nephrotic syndrome is manifested primarily as blood in the urine and other symptoms such as high blood pressure, swelling may not be very obvious. Proteins in urine over 24 hours is generally less than 3.5 g. While for patients with nephrotic syndrome, the main symptom is the massive proteinuria (daily leakage of protein in the urine is more than 3.5 g), swelling, hypoalbuminemia, hyperlipidemia etc.

Therefore, it is necessary to have a clear and complete diagnosis before seeking medical care and treatment. But one thing is common --- glomerular filtration membrane is impaired and kidney functions are affected. To try to improve the conditions of the patient's disease from the root, effective treatment must target the damaged glomerular basement membrane and improving kidney function repair.

For patients with nephritic syndrome, Micro-Chinese Medicine recommended osmoterapia.Esto can help remove blood stasis, to promote blood circulation in order to increase the flow of blood to the kidneys and provide nourishment necessary repairs damaged renal tissue and regenerate new functional renal tissues. When the GBM repaired, red blood cells and proteins will be prevented urine escapes any longer.

For nephrotic syndrome, the combination of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy with immunotherapy. This is because patients with nephrotic syndrome often have immune disorders and immune dysfunction which often make the disease difficult to treat and easy to relapse. Immunotherapy can help regulate the immune disorder and improve the functions of the patient's immune system to protect the kidneys from potential damage. Another advantage is that immunotherapy include accurate diagnosis before treatment. It may help to clarify the exact location and severity of renal damage in order to provide guidance for the following medications and treatments and improve the healing effects.

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