
It is safe antibiotic for nephrotic syndrome patients

"My 5 year old was diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome does a doctor a?o.Su try to use prednisone and some immunosuppressants to control the condition of my son. So far, he has suffered a recurrence of nephrotic syndrome. Recently, he has a bad cold. it's safe antibiotic for patients with nephrotic syndrome.? Doctor? "

This season, the cold is very common for patients with nephrotic syndrome especially children, because steroids or immunosuppressive agents usually damage your immune system so that your immunity is relatively lower than the general population. Treating your cold on time is very important to prevent the patient's condition worsens. Antibiotic commonly used to treat cold, but not all antibiotics are suitable for people with nephrotic syndrome.

One reason is that antibiotics can only treat colds due to bacterial infections, but cold in some patients is caused by virus infections. Therefore, make sure that the cause of the patient before taking cold medicine to ensure that they take proper cold medications is necessary. The other reason is that some antibiotics can cause damage to the renal tubules. Lipase and alkaline phosphate Ⅰ Ⅱ, polymyxin, aminoglycosides and sulfonamides etc, which are all harmful to our kidneys and can worsen the condition "nephrotic syndrome patients.

From the above analysis, we know the answer to the question safe antibiotics is for patients with nephrotic syndrome. Therefore, you had better consult your doctor or us before taking any antibiotic to prevent further damage to the kidneys.

Since narrative of this mother, you can know recurrence of nephrotic syndrome is another problem that bothers you. To prevent recurrence, improving immunity of patients and treating the root cause is the key. If your baby is suffering from recurrent nephrotic syndrome, you can get more information on the "New developments in the treatment of recurrent nephrotic syndrome" link.

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