
Why renal failure need a low protein diet

A low protein diet is commonly included in the diet suggestions given by doctors. Actually suggestions diet change with the change of status for patients with renal disease. Follow us to learn more about low-protein diet and kidney failure.

Why you need kidney failure with low protein diet

Renal failure means the severe reduction in kidney function. In many countries, dialysis or kidney transplant in the near future is needed. Although the protein is an essential part of a diet, the waste products of protein breakdown is cleaned from the blood by the kidneys. Therefore, eating more protein puts an additional burden on the kidneys leading to faster kidney function decline. A diet low in protein is recommended to help reduce the high level, high level of BUN and creatinine protect kidney function in some degree. Your doctors will help you calculate how much protein you should eat each day to prevent malnutrition, and foods with high quality protein such as eggs, milk, chicken, fish, lean meat will be your good choices. It is best to avoid foods high in animal protein as ground beef, halibut, salmon, tuna and chicken breast and replace them with alternative lower animals and plant proteins.

If patients with renal failure have been on dialysis

For patients with renal failure on dialysis, a low protein diet is not adequate. The amount of protein they need to eat can also increase when patients with renal failure start dialysis. Eating enough protein is important because it prevents them feel strong and healthy and protect your body from disease and infection.

As a patient with renal failure, has begun dialysis treatment? If you need more suggestion diet for kidney failure, can you tell us more about your condition kidney-support@hotmail.com emailing or leaving a message below, our experts will surely reply within 48 hours.

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